
Auteur Charles T. Horngren

Geen Aanbod Aanwezig

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9780273770268
  • ISBN 10 0273770268


    For Principle of Accounting Courses (Sole Proprietorship). The trusted choice for I Get It! moments! With its tried-and-true framework and respected author team, Horngren/Harrison/Oliver's Accounting--when combined with MyAccountingLab--is the trusted choice for instructors and students of Principles of Accounting. The ninth edition preserves the classic, solid foundation of the previous editions, while also including a modern and fresh teaching approach that helps students understand the complexities of accounting, giving them more I Get It! moments. MyAccountingLab New Design is now available for this title! MyAccountingLab New Design offers: *One Place for All of Your Courses. Improved registration experience and a single point of access for instructors and students who are teaching ... and learning multiple MyLab/Mastering courses.*A Simplified User Interface. The new user interface offers quick and easy access to Assignments, Study Plan, eText & Results, as well as additional option for course customization.*New Communication Tools. The following new communication tools can be used to foster collaboration, class participation, and group work.* Email: Instructors can send emails to their entire class, to individual students or to instructors who has access to their course.*Discussion Board: The discussion board provides students with a space to respond and react to the discussions you create. These posts can also be separated out into specific topics where students can share their opinions/answers and respond to their fellow classmates' posts.*Chat/ ClassLive: ClassLive is an interactive chat tool that allows instructors and students to communicate in real time. ClassLive can be used with a group of students or one-on-one to share images or PowerPoint presentations, draw or write objects on a whiteboard, or send and received graphed or plotted equations. ClassLive also has additional classroom management tools, including polling and hand-raising.*Enhanced eText. Available within the online course materials and offline via an iPad app, the enhanced eText allows instructors and students to highlight, bookmark, take notes, and share with one another.

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