International marketing strategy

Auteur Isobel Doole
International marketing strategy

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9781844800254
  • ISBN 10 1844800253


    This new and completely revised edition ensures the best-selling textbook International Marketing Strategy continues to meet the needs of the international marketing student and practitioner in an up to date an innovative manner. It succeeds in maintaining the clarity of the previous editions while incorporating new and original material which ensures its continued status as the number one UK text on international marketing. The book is divided into three main subject areas, analysis, strategy development and implementation. In each of the key subject areas the book continues to stress the importance of building the skills, aptitudes and abilities of managers in order to equip their firms to compete effectively in the global marketplace. Changes to the fourth edition include additional chapters ... on enabling technologies in international marketing, focussing upon the increasing use of technology solutions in gaining international business, and on ethical issues in IM. A new, more practical and applied learning approach to planning is introduced throughout the text integrating into the text much of the planning material from previous editions. For instance, the special focus at the end of each section will be replaced by a focus on international planning and its application by the student to a 'live' case study.The pedagogy has been enhanced to provide lecturers and students with far better tools for learning and teaching. New case studies are included at the end of each chapter to stimulate a discussion of both the specific issues of the chapter but also how the chapter topic is integrated within the wider context of international marketing strategy. Within each chapter are two management dilemmas and approximately six illustrations including wider geographical coverage of the international marketing illustrations and updated examples relevant to the current international marketing issues.

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