Walking the Perspectivity Path

Auteur Hans Keijzer
Walking the Perspectivity Path

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789492004215
  • ISBN 10 9492004216
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


"Walking the Perspectivity Path" is a book that appeals to the heart and the mind. In its pages, Hans Keijzer tells a highly personal story about his quest for an attitude that is focused on the service of society as a whole. He reveals himself as a passionate thinker who appeals to our own ability to create connectedness, even in situations where this might be difficult and will require courage.Hans was convinced that both the ability and the courage to create connectedness are essential for the development of viable solutions to many problems in today\'s complex world. The Perspectivity Network is the outcome of his unstinting efforts to make a concrete contribution to that goal. Trained as a mechanical engineer, Hans Keijzer began his career at Unilever. In his ultimate ... position as Director of DSM\'s Corporate Risk Office, he supported the company\'s high growth and performance targets by ensuring that consistent and up-to-date Risk Management procedures were in place at all relevant levels of the organisation. Hans died in 2013 at the age of 63. His legacy lives on through the work of his colleagues in the Perspectivity Network around the world. "This book is an utterly authentic message - written straight from the heart - by the late Hans Keijzer, a highly successful senior officer of DSM, one of the world\'s most admired and successful global companies. Its central message outlines the hidden elements necessary for an organization or team to perform at an exceptional level. It should be required reading for anyone interested in the quality of leadership essential for success in the accelerating complexity we will continue to face in the coming decades."Joseph Jaworski, author of the international best-sellers "Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership" and "Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation" "With this book, Hans Keijzer developed a philosophy and created a movement for addressing world\'s most pressing issues.An approach to better understand the value of viewing and using multiple angles."Feike Sijbesma, CEO Royal DSM

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