The EU Competition Rules

Auteur F.O.W. Vogelaar
The EU Competition Rules

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089520913
  • ISBN 10 9089520910
  • Druk 3
  • Bindwijze Paperback


This book aims at providing the Legal Masters student throughout Europes universities with a thorough selection of case law that would be of direct help when studying the subject for the first time. The primary criterion for selection has been whether a particular case has contributed to the development of one of the doctrines or notions that are so important to the understanding of EU competition law. All cases and decisions have been incorporated with their key recitals and texts only, so as to make the amount of text digestible in the context of an introductory course in EU competition law. Furthermore, for each case there is the mention of its relevance within the legal system and each case is accompanied with a short summary of its facts and circumstances. The sequence of cases follows ... the logic order in which EU competition law may or, in the authors view, should be taught. Wherever of practical use to the reader, cross-references are being made, be these of a general nature for a specific chapter as a whole or for a single specific case. These cross-references refer to relevant sources in EU secondary legislation and Commission Notices, to a selection of further cases on the same issue, to leading scholarly articles on the subject and to interesting annotations adding to the understanding of a particular case. In this way, the book offers the possibility for further study and reading to those who would find this necessary without burdening the students with extra and extensive obligatory reading material, which would go beyond the scope of their course format. As such the book also provides the young legal practitioner or in-house counsel with invaluable and time-saving background information in this important field of the law.All texts in this third edition are in conformity with the new Article numbering and the terminology as used in the Treaty of Lisbon. Prof. Vogelaar is emeritus professor of Economic Regulation with emphasis on EU and Netherlands competition law at the Law Faculty of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. After his retirement, he continues to be a research fellow at the Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics, ACLE, of that same University.

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