Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World

Redacteur P.J. Margry
Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089640116
  • ISBN 10 9089640118
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Contents - 6[-]On the Authors - 8[-]Secular Pilgrimage: A Contradiction in Terms?1 - 14[-]Research into change - 17[-]Communitas vs individuality - 21[-]Movement and travel vs sanctuary and locality - 24[-]Tourism and Pilgrimage - 29[-]The Secular and the Religious - 31[-]Ethnography and Analysis - 33[-]Notes - 45[-]I The Political Realm - 48[-]The Anti-Mafi a Movement as Religion?The Pilgrimage to Falcone\'s Tree - 50[-]The Tree Form - 53[-]The Pilgrimage as Bearing Witness - 57[-]Imago Christi - 62[-]\'Martyrs of the Law\' - 67[-]Conclusion - 69[-]Notes - 70[-]\'I\'m not religious, but Tito is a God\':Tito, Kumrovec, and the New Pilgrims - 72[-]Kumrovec - 73[-]An Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary Life - 75[-]The Day of Youth and the Statue of Josip Broz inKumrovec ... - 80[-]New Perspectives on Tito and Kumrovec - 88[-]Notes - 93[-]Patriotism and Religion:Pilgrimages to Soekarno \'s Grave - 96[-]Introduction1 - 96[-]Soekarno - 97[-]A Simple Grave - 101[-]A Mausoleum and Gradual Rehabilitation - 103[-]The Pilgrims - 108[-]Secular, Magical and Religious Goals - 113[-]Concluding remarks - 119[-]Notes - 121[-]II The Musical Realm - 122[-]Rock and Roll Pilgrims: Refl ections on Ritual,Religiosity, and Race at Graceland - 124[-]Elvis \'s Image - 125[-]Saint Elvis - 130[-]Graceland as Pilgrimage Site - 133[-]Elvis Week - 137[-]All-White Elvis - 139[-]Notes - 142[-]The Pilgrimage to Jim Morrison \'s Grave at PèreLachaise Cemetery:The Social Construction of Sacred Space - 144[-]Mythologizing - 145[-]Fan Scene vs Heritage - 148[-]Idol, Icon or Saint? - 153[-]The Espace Morrison - 156[-]The Religious Factor - 160[-]Conclusion - 170[-]Notes - 171[-]The Apostle of Love: The Cult of Jimmy Zámbó inPost-Socialist Hungary - 174[-]The Tale of Jimmy Zámbó - 175[-]Life and Death in the Tabloids - 181[-]\'Secular\' Pilgrimage - 182[-]Pilgrimage Motives - 186[-]Pilgrims at the Sacred Place - 193[-]Conclusion - 195[-]Notes - 197[-]III The Sports Realm - 200[-]Pre\'s Rock : Pilgrimage, Ritual, and Runners\'Traditions at the Roadside Shrine for StevePrefontaine 1 - 202[-]Pre\'s Rock - 210[-]Roadside Memorials and Spontaneous Shrines - 215[-]Shrine, Pilgrimage Site, Spirituality, and Inspiration - 218[-]The Spirit of Steve Prefontaine : Intercession, Prayers,and Blessings - 224[-]Gifts and Votive Offerings - 229[-]Conclusion - 234[-]Notes - 235[-]IV The Realm of Life, Spirituality and Death - 240[-]Going with the Flow: Contemporary Pilgrimagein Glastonbury - 242[-]Introduction - 242[-]The Context - 243[-]Simultaneous Pilgrimage in Glastonbury - 248[-]Vernacular Christianity - 254[-]Avalon , King Arthur and the Goddess - 257[-]Multifaith Pilgrimage - 262[-]Virtual co-presence in Glastonbury - 264[-]Facing the Moment : the Solar Eclipse and MillenniumEve - 266[-]Individuals and Intermittent Co-presence - 268[-]Consensus and Communitas: Earth energies - 270[-]Conclusion - 275[-]Notes - 280[-]The Pilgrimage to the \'Cancer Forest\' onthe \'Trees for Life Day\' in Flevoland - 282[-]The Trees for Life Day - 282[-]Ritual Framework - 285[-]\'Sudden Unjust Deaths\' - 286[-]Fellow Sufferers and Incidental Ritual Communities - 287[-]Fundamental Ritual Forms - 288[-]Inclusive Confi guration - 289[-]Location-specifi c Shrine - 290[-]Created / invented and Practical - 291[-]Rites of Passage - 292[-]Feelings and Motives - 293[-]Conclusion: Pilgrimage as a Ritual Reference - 295[-]Sites of Memory, Sites of Sorrow:An American Veterans\' Motorcycle Pilgrimage - 300[-]History and Purpose of the Run for the Wall - 301[-]A Note on Methodology - 304[-]The Run for the Wall as Pilgrimage - 305[-]Places of Ritual, Places of Power - 310[-]Ritual, Narrative, and Healing: the Wall - 314[-]The Vietnam Veterans Memorial as a Shrine - 317[-]Healing, Identity, and Memory - 319[-]Shrines as Memory, Shrines as

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