International standards on nationality law: texts, cases and materials

Auteur Gerard-Rene de Groot en Olivier Willem Vonk
International standards on nationality law: texts, cases and materials

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789462403116
  • ISBN 10 9462403112
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


While nationality law has traditionally been part of the nation-state\'s \'reserved domain\', recent decades have witnessed a growing body of international standards and guidelines in this area. This book provides the first comprehensive collection of multilateral international treaties, other international documents and case law of international tribunals regarding nationality law. Together these materials reflect the currently existing status of nationality under international law. In addition, from being a stable field of law, nationality law has been subject to growing instrumentalization and change. International Standards on Nationality Law thus examines topical issues relating to nationality such as discriminatory practices in relation to gender, ethnicity and race, the ... status of surrogate-born children, diplomatic protection, the revocation of nationality of convicted terrorists, and \'citizenship-for-sale\' programmes. Extensive bibliographical references have been included throughout, enabling the reader to identify relevant publications for further reading.Gerard-René de Groot is Professor of Comparative Law and Private International Law at Maastricht University and the University of Aruba (the Netherlands), and co-director of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE). He is the author of more than 500 publications in the areas of comparative law, nationality law and legal translation, and has acted on numerous occasions as expert-consultant to both national and international bodies dealing with matters of nationality law. Olivier Willem Vonk holds a PhD from the European University Institute (Italy) and is currently a Marie Curie COFUND Fellow at the University of Liège (Belgium). Previously, he was a Marie Curie Outgoing Fellow at Maastricht University and a visiting researcher at Georgetown University (US). His publications include Dual Nationality in the European Union and Nationality Law in the Western Hemisphere (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). The authors are Consortium Members of the EUDO CITIZENSHIP Observatory and have collaborated with different organisations and institutions on issues of nationality law, including the Council of Europe, UNHCR, and the European Parliament.

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