Health Psychology

Auteur Charles Abraham
Health Psychology

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9780340928905
  • ISBN 10 0340928905


    Topics in Applied Psychology offers a range of accessible, integrated texts ideal for courses in applied psychology. The books are written by leading figures in their field and provide a comprehensive academic and professional insight into each topic. They incorporate a range of features to bring psychology to life including case histories, research methods, ethical debate and learner activities. Each chapter opens with learning objectives to consolidate key points. A reading list and sample essay questions at the end of chapters enable further independent study. The series also offers an appreciation of multiple perspectives, examines the relationship between psychology and other cognate disciplines and discusses recent developments in each field. Topics in Applied Psychology will provide ... you with the tools you need to engage with, enjoy and understand your applied psychology discipline, ultimately ensuring confidence and success in exams as well as a comprehensive grounding in the profession. Health Psychology guides the reader through core issues in health psychology research and practice. Each chapter builds on previous ones so that the text provides an overview of the field rather than presenting a compendium of topics. The book discusses mechanisms, models and methods and examines how biological, cognitive, affective and social processes impact on health and illness. It also explores how stress and coping mechanisms affect health behaviours and the psychological determinants of health behaviour. Two chapters focus on how psychological research can be applied to change health-related attitudes and behaviours. Communication between the patient and practitioner is examined as is the role of the health psychologist. The integrated and interactive approach, combined with the comprehensive coverage, make this book the ideal companion for courses in health psychology. Other books in the series include: Clinical Psychology, Criminal Psychology, Educational Psychology, Organizational and Work Psychology and Sport and Exercise Psychology.

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