Models of Democracy

Auteur Held, David
Models of Democracy

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  • ISBN 9780745631479
  • ISBN 10 0745631479
  • Bindwijze Paperback


List of Figures and Tables Preface Introduction Part One: Classic Models Chapter 1 Classical Democracy: Athens Political ideas and aims Institutional features The exclusivity of an ancient democracy The critics In sum: Model I Chapter 2 Republicanism: Liberty, Self Government and the Active Citizen The eclipse and re emergence of homo politicus The reforging of republicanism Republicanism, elective government and popular sovereignty From civic life to civic glory In sum: Model IIa The republic and the general will In sum: model IIb The public and the private Chapter 3 The Development of Liberal Democracy: For and Against the State Power and Sovereignty Citizenship and the Constitutional State Separation of Powers The problem of factions Accountability and Markets ... In sum: model IIIa Liberty and the development of democracy The dangers of despotic power and an overgrown state Representative government The subordination of women Competing conceptions of the `ends of government In sum: Model IIIb Chapter 4 Direct Democracy and the End of Politics Class and class conflict History as evolution and the development of captialism Two theories of the state The end of politics Competing conceptions of Marxism Part Two: Variants from the Twentieth CenturyChapter 5 Competitive ELitism and the Technocratic Vision Classes, power and conflict Bureaucracy, parliaments and nation states Competitive elitist democracy Liberal democracy at the crossroads The last vestige of democracy? Democracy, capitalism and socialism `Classical v. modern democracy A technocratic vision In sum: model V Chapter 6 Pluralism, Corporate Capitalism and the State Group politics, government and power Politics, consensus and the distribution of power Democracy, corporate capitalism and the state In sum: Model VI Accumulation, legitimation and the restricted sphere of the political The changing form of representative institutions Chapter 7 From Post War Stability to Political Crisis: The Polarization of Political Ideas A legitimate democratic order or a repressive regime? Overloaded state or legitimation crisis? Crisis theories: an assessment Law, liberty and democracy In sum: model VII Participation, liberty and democracy In sum: model VII Chapter 8 Democracy after Soviet Communism The historical backdrop The triumph of economic and political liberalism The renewed necessity of Marxism and democracy from `below ? Chapter 9 Deliberative Democracy and the Defence of the Public RealmReason and Participation The limits of democratic theory The aims of deliberative democracy What is sound about public reasoning? Impartialism and it s critics Institutions of deliberative democracy Value pluralism and democracy In sum: Model IX Part Three: What Should Democracy Mean Today?Chapter 10 Democratic Autonomy The appeal of democracy The principle of autonomy Enacting the principle The heritage of classic and twentieth century democratic theory Democracy: A double sided process Democratic autonomy: compatibilities and incompatibilities In sum: Model Xa Chapter 11 Democracy, the Nation State and the Global System Democratic legitimacy and borders Regional and global flows: old and new Sovereignty, autonomy and disjunctures Rethinking democracy for a more global age: the cosmopolitan model In sum: model Xb Acknowledgements References and Select Bibliography Index

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