Rethinking disability

Redacteur Patrick Devlieger
Rethinking disability

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789044134179
  • ISBN 10 9044134175
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The act of life is a lived experience, common and unique, that ties each of us to every other lived experience. The fact of disability does not alter this fundamental truth. In this edition of Rethinking Disability: World Perspectives in Culture and Society, we are presented with a system of thinking that considers the values of disability, as a resource, as a creative source of culture that moves disability out of the realm of victimized people and insurmountable barriers, and provides opportunities to use the experience of disability to enter into networks that recognize strengths of differing abilities. The authors within will intrigue you, will move you, will charm you, but always will challenge your notion of sameness and difference as they confront the construct and (de)construct of disability ... and ableism. They present compelling arguments for viewing disABILITY through the multiple lenses of disability culture. They explore themes and issues that transcend past and origins, time and place, nuances of genetics, to experiences of present and becoming, and towards the future and beyond mere human, yet always intrinsically connected to being human. This book is intended for all audiences who dare to confront difference and sameness within themselves and in connection with others; to inspire researchers who wish to explore, and examine disability across social, cultural and economic barriers. It is an invitation to push away the barriers, bring ableism inside to a place where the prosthesis is no longer the elephant in the room. Over de auteur(s):Gary L. Albrecht is a former fellow of the Royal Belgian Academy of Arts and Sciences, former extraordinary guest professor of Social Sciences, KU Leuven and professor emeritus of Public Health and of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago.Sharon Barnartt is professor in the Department of Sociology at Gallaudet University.Mari Bergen is a part-time editor of research publications and dissertations and an independent scholar in cultural anthropology with a material culture background and a special interest in \'across-cultures\' research method.Maria Berghs is a social and cultural anthropologist who specialises in disability studies.Sharon V. Betcher is an independent scholar, writer, crip philosopher and would-be farmer living on Whidbey Island, Washington.Stuart Blume received a D.Phil in chemistry from the University of Oxford, before moving into the field of science and technology studies.Steven E. Brown is a historian, co-founder of the Institute on Disability Culture (IDC), and is currently located in California.Fiona Budge is the founder and director of \'To the Point Consultancy\'. She is a researcher who works part-time at the Disability Studies Group in the Netherlands DSiN. Paula Campos Pinto holds a PhD in Sociology from York University, Toronto. James Charlton helped found Access Living in 1979, one of the first centers for independent living in the U.S.Maha Damaj is currently the Programme Manager at the UNICEF Oman Country Office. Jori De Costeris a doctoral candidate in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a research assistant at the Interculturalism, Migrations and Minorities Research Centre at the KU Leuven.Christine Dedding graduated in Medical Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam in 2002, followed by a Postdoc study about e-health and children.Michel Desjardins is associate professor of psychology at the University of Saskatchewan.Patrick Devlieger is associate professor of social and cultural anthropology at KU Leuven, and a guest professor at University of Illinois at Chicago, Stellenbosch University, University of Alberta, and Yunnan University.Serge Ebersold is sociologist and professor at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) where he holds the chair on accessibility.Dianne L. Ferguson is a recently retired professor and administrator at Chapman University in Orange, California. Philip M. Ferguson is professor emeritus at Chapman University in Orange, California. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson is a professor of English and co-director of the Disability Studies Initiative at Emory University. Ine Gevers is curator, writer and activist. Gerald L. Gold is a professor emeritus of anthropology at York University in Toronto Canada. Josephine Hoegaerts is a core research fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Finland).Mimi Lusli is a doctoral candidate VU-University of Indonesia. Beatriz Miranda-Galarza currently is the coordinator of the Bridges project regarding sustainability of small organizations of disabled people and people affected by Hansen Disease.Ingunn Moser is professor of sociology and social studies of science, technology and medicine at Diakonhjemmet University College in Oslo. Adolfo Ruiz is a graphic designer, illustrator and filmmaker.Ylva Söderfeldt studied History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Joshua St. Pierre is a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Alberta.Megan Strickfaden is an educator, designer and anthropologist. Tanya Titchkosky is a professor in the Department of Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto (SJE, OISE, UofT). Pieter Verstraete is an assistant professor at the research unit: Education, Culture and Society of the KU Leuven (Belgium). Robert A. Wilson works in the philosophy of mind, science, and disability. Gregor Wolbring is an associate professor in Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies at the University of Calgary.Marjolein Zweekhorst is the managing director and assistant professor of the Athena Institute, as well as master coordinator of the Management Policy-Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences.

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