Magical Thinking One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand

Auteur Nicholas Albrecht
Magical Thinking One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789053308219
  • ISBN 10 9053308210
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


After living in a motorhome in the Salton Sea, Nicholas Albrechtquestions the notion of being an insider through this intimatejourney of discovery. Deserts are strange spaces in Western culture;we don't really know how to be in them. There was the biblicalversion of the desert, the desert as a metaphor for isolation,asceticism, temptation, and death. In an attempt to document theexperience of living in the Salton Sea, Albrecht breaks down theseconventions to narrate his story. The photographs become symbolicrepresentations of the people and the place. The truth is both vagueand concrete as thoughts transform into reality. Similarly to howdreams are constructed, One, No One and One Hundred Thousand isa chaotic representation of life, identifying with one and its opposite. Nicholas ... Albrecht was born inNaples, Italy in 1982. His involvementwith the arts began while studyingfashion in Milan. Upon graduation hestarted working as an Art Director forthree venues in Naples and Rome.During his years as an Art Director inItaly, Nicholas had the chance to workwith students and professors from theAcademy of Fine Arts in Naples.His close relationship with LudovicaRambelli and her continuous theatricalresearch inspired him to researchmore of his own interests. He startedusing photography as a research tool,which ultimately pushed him tocontinue his studies and relocated himto San Francisco. There he earned anMFA in Photography and developed aclose relationship with the medium.In his work, Nicholas concentrates onthe connection between individual andland and, in a greater context, how thatinfluences social relations and notionsof self. In 2012, Nicholas was awardedthe Our World Portfolio Reviewscholarship and was selected to bepart of the prestigious 100 attendingthe Santa Fe Portfolio Review. Magical Thinking is a not-for-profit publishing and educationalinitiative founded by Joshua Lutz and Tara Cronin in 2010. Itscommitment to furthering our understanding of the importance of howimages function revolves around a programme of books, exhibitionsand educational workshops.

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