Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the Levant

Auteur Majida Mouasher , Luit Mols , Nada M. Shabout en H.R.H. Princess Wijdan Al-Hashemi
Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the Levant

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789053308776
  • ISBN 10 9053308776
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


We need art more than ever before. We live in a time when we try to deal with our problems and try to describe our world through words, figures and logic. But to understand humans and to look at the bigger shifts - the tectonic plate shifts in the human condition, so to speak - we need to rise above, or go below, the 24/7 news cycle, and we need art to give us a different language to understand the human condition.Kasper Holten, Director of Opera, Royal Opera House, London Majida Mouasher owned an art gallery called 4 Walls, in Amman, Jordan between 2000 and 2006. During that time she worked with more than ninety artists, 45 of whom form the nucleus of her beautiful and important private collection comprised of contemporary art from the Middle East in general and the Levant in particular, ... spanning over sixty years of superb quality art.In Jordan at the time there were mostly foundations or institutions, and only very few contemporary art galleries. The artists depended mostly upon their own personal efforts and contacts in order to promote themselves. There was a vacuum that needed to be filled and a public that wanted to see contemporary art and get to know the artists. The aim of 4 Walls was to promote the artists by exhibiting and helping sell their works. During that period, Majida Mouasher bought consistently work from these artists. What makes this collection so special, is that even though it is concentrated on the Levant, it is very diverse. The artists in the collection have deep cultural roots from whatever the origin of their inspiration is; be it China, Russia, the West or their country of origin. Though many of them are now living in the diaspora, they all share in common an honest reaction to their environment, their cultural and social or historical backgrounds, their ethnic origins or political upheavals.Due to the wars and upheavals in the Middle East, people are moving across countries and to the shorelines of Europe, bringing with them new and different cultural ways. Now that the Middle East is so much in the spotlight, there is an urgency to show its contemporary art to the Western public. Art can bypass conflicts and bring more and better understanding between cultures. The book will contain in-depth texts from:Luit Mols Ph.D., owner of Sabiel - Research, Curating, Education and Consultancy in Islamic Art; Nada M. Shabout Ph.D., Professor of Art History at the University of North Texas and President and co-founding board member of the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, Turkey (AMCA); H.R.H. Princess Wijdan Al-Hashemi Ph.D., President of the Royal Society of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan. The artists in the collection and presented in this book are:Chafik AbboudNawal AbdallahAdonisNasr Abdul AzizSaadi Al KaabiNuha Al RadiShaker Hassan Al SaidRajwa AliHani AlqamClara AmadoMohammad Al-AmeriJamal AshourDia AzzawiKhaled BarakehKamal BoullataDiana ChamounkyHiram CharibGhada DahdalehDodiMuhanna DurraIsmail FattahGhassan GhaebRiham GhassibSamia HalabyHimatFarouk KaspaulisAmmar KhammashKhalid KhreisSadik Kwaish AlfrajiHalim MahdiFouad MimiMohammad NasrallahRafa\' NassiriJoman NimriSaid NusseibihMahmoud ObaidiKarim RissanKhalil RyyanNabil ShehadehRula ShukairySamer TabbaaMahmoud TahaMadiha OmarSamer Ussama (Samer Hatam)WijdanNazar Yahya

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