Soldiers and Civil Power

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789053567920
  • ISBN 10 9053567925
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Table of Contents - 6[-]Acknowledgements - 10[-]Introduction - 12[-]PART I: THE CIVIL-MILITARY INTERFACE IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY MILITARY OPERATIONS - 24[-] 1. Substituting the Civil Power: Civil Affairs and Military Government in World War II - 26[-] The Operational Primacy of Civil Affairs - 26[-] Integrating or Segregating Civil Affairs - 29[-] Military Government Moves Center Stage - 33[-] Effects of Military Pragmatism - 41[-] Conclusion - 45[-] 2. Supporting the Civil Power: Counterinsurgency and the Return to Conventional Warfare - 46[-] Imperial Policing - 46[-] Malaya: Integrating the Civil and Military Spheres - 52[-] Vietnam: Lessons Unlearned - 61[-] The Return to \'Ordinary Soldiering\' - 67[-] Towards Civil-Military Peace Operations - 70[-]PART II: COMPLEX PEACEKEEPING: ... THE UNITED NATIONS IN CAMBODIA - 74[-] 3. Making Sense of the Mission: UNTAC\'s Military and Civil Mandates - 76[-] Peacekeepers in the Post-Cold War Disorder - 76[-] The Paris Peace Agreement - 81[-] The Unworkable Military Mandate - 84[-] Segregated Missions - 94[-] Winning the Hearts and Minds - 97[-] 4. The Slippery Slope towards Public Security: Soldiers and Policemen in Cambodia - 104[-] Police Monitors - 104[-] Banditry in Banteay Meanchey - 107[-] Stretching the Mandate - 113[-] Changing the Guard - 117[-] 5. \'Sanderson\'s Coup\': Militarized Elections amidst Escalating Violence - 126[-] Flexible Response - 126[-] \'Military Coup\' - 129[-] Protecting the Elections - 136[-] Peace at the Ballot - 147[-] Successes, Failures and Lessons - 153[-] Peace Operations after UNTAC - 157[-]PART III: AMERICAN INTERVENTIONS: SEGREGATING THE CIVIL AND MILITARY SPHERES - 160[-] 6. \'Peacekeeping\' in a Power Vacuum: The Reluctant American Occupation of Somalia - 162[-] Hobbesian Anarchy - 162[-] Limits of US Military Intervention - 169[-] Cosmetic Success - 175[-] Attitude Adjustment - 181[-] The Public Security Vacuum - 187[-] Benevolent \'Mission Creep\' - 192[-] 7. Securing and Governing Baidoa: Australia\'s Living Laboratory in Somalia - 200[-] The Legacy of the Marines - 200[-] Urban Security Operations - 207[-] Two Schools of Thought - 214[-] Counterinsurgency Reflex - 223[-] The Military Governor of Baidoa - 228[-] Conclusion - 239[-] 8. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Widening the Civil-Military Gap in Bosnia - 246[-] The Dayton Accord - 246[-] The Public Security Gap - 254[-] Reinterpreting the Military Mandate - 264[-] CIMIC: The Fig Leaf for the Gap - 276[-] Conclusion - 285[-]PART IV: KOSOVO: MILITARY GOVERNMENT BY DEFAULT - 288[-] 9. The Kosovo Force: Entering the Wasteland - 290[-] Stepping into the Void - 290[-] The Mandate - 296[-] Task Force Orahovac - 298[-] Taming the Kosovo Liberation Army - 303[-] 10. The Kosovar Constabulary: The Race between Order and Disorder - 312[-] \'Anarchy, or Something Not Far from It\' - 312[-] Policing without Instructions - 316[-] Controlling the Streets of Orahovac - 322[-] Different Approaches - 332[-] Makeshift Police - 325[-] The Justice Triangle - 337[-] 11. Peacekeepers in Pursuit of Justice: Protecting and Prosecuting Serbs in Orahovac - 344[-] Russians - 344[-] Beleaguered Serbs - 347[-] War Crimes - 353[-] Arrests - 357[-] Controversy - 361[-] 12. The UÃ

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