Media Policy for the Digital Age

Auteur The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy
Media Policy for the Digital Age

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789053568262
  • ISBN 10 9053568263
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Contents - 6[-]Preface - 10[-]1 Introduction and abstract - 12[-]2 Media and society: some general reflections - 18[-] 2.1 A dynamic but complex media landscape - 18[-] 2.2 Fast commercial marketplace, slow government response - 19[-] 2.3 Aims and scope of the report - 20[-] 2.4 Definitions of the media landscape - 21[-] 2.5 Values that inspire and legitimate the definition of public interests - 21[-] 2.5.1 Freedom and equality - 21[-] 2.5.2 Accessibility - 22[-] 2.5.3 Independence - 22[-] 2.5.4 Pluralism - 22[-]3 A changing landscape: short overview of the dominant trends - 24[-] 3.1 Major characteristics of the media landscape in the digital age - 25[-] 3.2 Will traditional values do? a fresh look and the need for a broader perspective - 26[-]4 A short history of the dutch broadcasting ... policy - 30[-] 4.1 Early commercial days - 30[-] 4.2 Perceived scarcity - 31[-] 4.3 Post second world war - 31[-] 4.4 The 1960s - commercial pressure from the north sea - 32[-] 4.5 New broadcasting law 1967 - 33[-] 4.6 Policy in the 1970s - 34[-] 4.7 Different structure for regional broadcasting - 34[-] 4.8 Pseudo-commercialism and increasing domestic competition - 34[-] 4.9 More competition from abroad - 35[-] 4.10 Scientific council report 1982 - 36[-] 4.11 1987 and further: the new media law and its later modifications - 36[-]5 Other domains of media policy - 40[-] 5.1 Broadcast policy in 2005 - 40[-] 5.2 Commercial broadcasting - 41[-] 5.3 Press policy in 2005 - 41[-] 5.4 Cable policy in 2005 - 41[-] 5.5 Policy for new media in 2005 - 41[-] 5.6 Media concentration in 2005 - 42[-]6 Infrastructure in the netherlands: challenges and policy questions - 44[-] 6.1 Digitalisation and technological convergence - 45[-] 6.1.1 Digitalisation - 45[-] 6.1.2 Technological convergence - 46[-] 6.1.3 Spectrum scarcity - 46[-] 6.2 Related policy questions - 47[-] 6.3 Economic consequences - 47[-] 6.4 Summing up: robust trends and uncertain developments - 48[-] 6.5 Conclusions - 49[-]7 The media landscape: an institutional perspective on change - 52[-] 7.1 International landscape - 52[-] 7.2 National landscape - 54[-] 7.3 The role of the dutch government - 56[-] 7.4 Fragmented supervision - 58[-] 7.5 Content providers to the media landscape - 59[-] 7.5.1 Quality as a public interest - 61[-]8 a new paradigm: a functional approach to the media landscape - 64[-] 8.1 Reasons for renewal - 65[-] 8.1.1 future-proof policymaking - 65[-] 8.1.2 the relevance of values - 66[-] 8.1.3 hybridisation - 66[-] 8.2 The strategic matrix - combining functions with values - 67[-] 8.3 Defining the functions in detail - 68[-] 8.3.1 News provision - 68[-] 8.3.2 Opinion and debate - 68[-] 8.3.3 Entertainment - 69[-] 8.3.4 Arts and culture (and education) - 69[-] 8.3.5 Specialised information - 69[-] 8.3.6 Advertising and public relations (persuasive information or communication) - 70[-] 8.4 Using a functional approach to develop dutch media policy - 71[-] 8.5 More explicit and precise legitimation for public broadcasting is needed - 73[-] 8.6 Values, risks and priorities: a functional analysis of the media landscape - 74[-] 8.7 Government media policy: the need for selective and cautious involvement - 74[-] 8.8 Specific recommendations - 76[-] 8.9 Rethinking public broadcasting - 77[-] 8.9.1 Questions - 77[-] 8.9.2 Answers - 78[-] 8.9.3 Closing remarks - 80[-]Bibliography - 84

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