European contributions to American studies The cultural shuttle

Redacteur Véronique Beghain , Marc Chenetier en Jean-Paul Gabilliet
European contributions to American studies The cultural shuttle

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789053839492
  • ISBN 10 9053839496
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


'What is whose?'As there develops increasing speculation, in our age, on the natures of 'globalization', de prodigious flux of ideas, people ideas, goods and fashions between Europe and the United States over the centuries invites nuanced approaches and a modicum of relativization. Imports and exports, the endless back and forth movement of political, social, economic, cultural notions and institutions permanently raise the question of reciprocal influences and contributions. 'Facing realities'is both a fact and an indispensable activity. American institutions are indebted to European thought, American culture has to deal with European visions and the variety of the European heritage; American social and political circumstances keep informing and interfering with ... European choices and decisions. What notions, values and artefacts are indeed 'adopted' by one or the other continent turn out to be selected in the name of idiosyncratic cultural dispositions and thereby undergo subtle modifications. No cultural object or sign ever travels without being profoundly transformed. This volume examines nationhood, citizenship and culture, on both sides of the Atlantic, in the light of such complex exchanges. At a time when Europe is exploring its own political organization, it seeks to profit by the American experience; at a time when American culture is more and more forcefully asserting its presence in Europe, critical evaluations of its real pertinence grow more numerous. What superficially appears to be one-sided imposition turns out to be an intricate and complex dialogue. Resistance, cautions, recalcitrance, defiance and rejection are as important for a definition of identity as enthusiastic sharings and the adoption of welcomed influences, howere amibuous and variously motivated. An analysis of misunderstandings is the surest way to mutual comprehension.Clim aboard the cultural shuttle.

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