UvA Proefschriften Ethno-territorial conflict and coexistence in the caucasus, central Asia and fereydan

Auteur Babak Rezvani
UvA Proefschriften Ethno-territorial conflict and coexistence in the caucasus, central Asia and fereydan

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789056297336
  • ISBN 10 9056297333
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


\'Few authors have such an intimate knowledge of the background of conflicts in Central Asia. Rezvani looks at the region from a fresh perspective. He arrives at highly relevant recommendations how the politicization of ethnicity can be avoided and how ethnic nationalism in the long run can be turned into civic nationalism.\'Gerd Junne: Emeritus Professor of International Relations, University of Amsterdam. \'It is rare to find such a thorough study about identity/culture and territory/geographyin the troubled regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Iran, and it is even more rare to find a comparative analysis. This book is encyclopedic and thought-provoking at the same time.\'Ton Dietz: Director of African Studies Centre, Leiden University, and Guest Professor of ... Human Geography, University of Amsterdam. \'In contrast to much other research on conflict between ethnic groups, Rezvani has not only focused on the conflicts and their origins but also included the set of situations where a conflict could have erupted but failed to occur. _ is provides a useful correction to stereotypes of "conflict-prone" regions, particularly in the Caucasus and Central Asia.\'Gertjan Dijkink: Associate Professor of Political Geography, University of Amsterdam. \'Babak Rezvani\'s well-written and systematic work focuses on ethno-territorial and demographic aspects of conflict, combining theory with case studies and statistical analysis. He not only provides an innovative and interesting contribution to his field of study but also demonstrates a detailed knowledge of the relevant literature. The book is extremely well-sourced and offers a deep and insightful history of the areas and conflicts concerned.\'Georg Frerks: Professor of Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management, UtrechtUniversity, The Netherlands. Babak Rezvani is a geographer and political scientist.

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