Continuity and Change in Text and Image at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico

Auteur E. Boot
Continuity and Change in Text and Image at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789057891007
  • ISBN 10 905789100X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The archaeological site of Chichén Itzá, one of the best known ancient Maya cities, is located in the northern section of the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. Chichén Itzá has figured prominently in both past and present discussions on the Terminal Classic and Early Postclassic periods in the northern Maya lowlands. Based on archaeological information and information derived from ethnohistorical sources, this city can be dated to a period from circa A.D. 700 to circa A.D. 1250, with its apogee placed between about A.D. 800 to A.D. 1050. The past and present discussions were directed specifically towards the origin of the inhabitants of the city, the arrival of K'uk'ulkán (Feathered Serpent), the origin of non-Mayan (Toltec) architecture and sculptural programmes at the site, and the m ...odel of its political organization. The centre of Chichén Itzá is dominated by a raised platform, which harbours buildings now known as El Castillo (The Castle), the Great Ballcourt, and the Temple of the Warriors. These buildings contain various non-Mayan architectural and sculptural traits. Buildings south of the centre, erected in a regional Maya style, contain a large number of inscribed monuments (mostly lintels) carrying long hieroglyphic texts, which provide Chichén Itzá with the largest corpus of surviving inscriptions in the northern Maya lowlands. Chichén Itzá figures prominently in a wide range of ethnohistorical sources from the Colonial period, such as the Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán by Fray Diego de Landa and the Relaciones Geográficas by various authors, all in Spanish, and the so-called Books of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, Maní, and Tizimín, all in Yucatec Maya.In this study Erik Boot discusses the southern Maya lowland origin of the inhabitants of Chichén Itzá, the arrival of K'uk'ulkán and the introduction of so-called Toltec architecture and iconography, the identification of both gods and human beings in the inscriptions, and the political organization at Chichén Itzá. He presents extensive and detailed analyses of architectural and sculptural programmes, hieroglyphic inscriptions, and the Yucatec Maya chronicles from the Books of Chilam Balam.

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