Beyond Frames

Redacteur Annick Schramme , Rene Kooyman en Giep Hagoort
Beyond Frames

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789059728844
  • ISBN 10 905972884X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Over the last decade, our society witnessed the rise of the creative economy. Initially as a provocative concept, that incited lively debates and certain scepticism inside academic circles, as well as on the part of some artists and professionals involved in the cultural sector as regards the lack of limits of its definition and applicability.We have moved far beyond that phase. Complex interactions between formal and informal, commercial and non-commercial, instrumental and intrinsic notions of knowledge and creativity in the process of development were highlighted, demonstrating how cultural, technological, social and economic development can be valued and understood.In this book we face the complexity of three inter-dependant topics. In part I: the Entrepreneurial Spirit we discuss the ... creative industries as a breeding ground for innovation, the bottom-up co-operative initiatives that characterise the sector. The different aspects of the Entrepreneurial Dimension are treated.Almost all larger cities have to cope with the never-ending cycle of attracting new entrepreneurial activities, economic growth and decay. In part II: The Urban Environment the process of urban development and regeneration, seen from the Cultural and Creative Industries is treated. Investments in culture, intra-urban developments, non-material heritage in creative neighbourhoods, and the discussion on creativity-led urban regeneration are included.Part III: Knowledge Institutions examines the transformation of art, technology and research within the context of both art education, art institutions and higher education. The different relationships between universities, the creative and cultural industries and the communities they serve are being problematized. Case-studies from Spain, Russia, France, and Poland are included.A lot of the research undertaken has been based on empirical or case study research. Nevertheless, the questions treated here are very critical and go beyond clichés. Many of the authors also take a broader view, considering the dynamics between the three elements of the triple helix, and they also explore the societal value and the spillover effects of the cultural and creative industries. Some authors wish to add a fourth element to the triple helix, that of civil society and its participants, or the \'Quadruple Helix Model\'.

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