Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia Between foraging and farming

Auteur Van Hofwegen, Paul J.M. Redacteur Annelou van Gijn , Harry Fokkens , Bryony Coles , Jos Kleijne , Hedwig Ponjee en Corianne Slappendel
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia Between foraging and farming

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789073368231
  • ISBN 10 9073368235
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Between Foraging and Farming is liber amicorum for prof. Leendert Louwe Kooijmans, former dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. Neolithisation has been Louwe Kooijmans' research field since the nineteen-sixties and that is the reason why the topic of this book is the Meso-Neo transition. Twenty-three researchers contributed to this volume, among them colleagues from the Faculty like Corrie Bakels, Annelou van Gijn , Pieter van de Velde and Harry Fokkens, but also from other Dutch institutes like Marjorie de Grooth and Jan Albert Bakker, and colleagues from abroad like Bryony Coles, Alasdair Whittle, Richard Bradley, Peter Bogucki, Søren Andersen and Haio Zimmermann. A fitting homage for a great researcher. Contents: Jan Hendrik Holwerda and the adoption of the three-age ...system in the Netherlands Leo Verhart The temporality of culture changes Harry Fokkens Timing, tempo and temporalities in the early Neolithic of southern Britain Alex Bayliss, Alasdair Whittle, Frances Healy The end of the beginning: changing confi gurations in the British and Irish Neolithic Richard Bradley The Danubian-Baltic Borderland: Northern Poland in the fifth millennium BC Peter Bogucki The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Western Denmark seen from a kitchen midden perspective: a survey Søren H. Andersen Tracing the Neolithic in the lowlands of Belgium: the evidence from Sandy Flanders Philippe Crombé, Joris Sergant A southern view on north-south interaction during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Lower Rhine Area Bart Vanmontfort The foam that fl ies ahead of a wave of advance: thoughts on the early neolithisation of the Lower Rhine uplands Pieter van de Velde Maastricht-Vogelzang, the Netherlands, a Michelsberg site in the valley of the Meuse seen from a botanical angle Corrie Bakels Phosphate mapping of a Funnel Beaker Culture house from Flögeln-Eekhöltjen, district of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony W. Haio Zimmermann The Schipluiden pottery: mobility, exchange and mode of production Daan Raemaekers Hazendonk layers over and over again Luc Amkreutz, Leo Verhart, Milco Wansleeben The scale of human impact at the Hazendonk, the Netherlands, during the Late Neolithic Welmoed Out An eagle-eyed perspective. Haliaeetus albicilla in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area Luc Amkreutz, Raymond Corbey Were beavers aware? A change of perspective on the neolithisation of Britain Bryony Coles Exotic fl int and the negotiation of a new identity in the 'margins' of the agricultural world: the case of the Rhine-Meuse delta Annelou van Gijn Engaging with stone: Making the Neolithic in Ireland and Western Britain Gabriel Cooney Points of contact. Refl ections on Bandkeramik-Mesolithic interactions west of the Rhine Marjorie de Grooth On the Production of Discoidal Flint Knives and Changing Patterns of Specialist Flint Procurement in the Neolithic on the South Downs, England Julie Gardiner Upper Largie and Dutch-Scottish connections during the Beaker period Alison Sheridan Neolithic Alpine axeheads, from the Continent to Great Britain, the Isle of Man and Ireland Pierre Pétrequin, Alison Sheridan, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera, Estelle Gauthier, Lutz Klassen, Nicolas Le Maux Yvan Pailler A note on prehistoric routes on the Veluwe and near Uelzen Jan Albert Bakker

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