Civil Aviation Law in the People's Republic of China

Auteur Hongliang Zang en Qingfen Meng
Civil Aviation Law in the People's Republic of China

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789077596913
  • ISBN 10 9077596917
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


This book contains the English translation and the official Chinese text of selected Chinese civil aviation laws and regulations. This book aims at providing a general introduction of civil aviation legal system in China, a summary of Civil Aviation Law, the administrative licenses and approvals occasioned by civil aviation activities in China, and selected practical issues that foreigners (including aircraft manufacturers, lessors, financing parties and investors) may be concerned about, including nationality registration of civil aircraft, regulations for the import of civil aircraft, rights in civil aircraft, liability of public air transport carriers, foreign investment and domestic investment in the civil aviation industry, establishing a public air transport enterprise or a general aviation ... enterprise, management of civil airports as well as consolidation, reconstruction and restructuring of civil aviation enterprises and airports. To learn about the Chinese civil aviation laws and regulations, foreigners may refer directly to the laws and regulations published at CAAC\'s website. However, only limited official translations of such laws and regulations are available that cannot fully serve the purpose. This book provides translations of selected Chinese civil aviation laws and regulations, covering major civil aviation legislations in China. The translations are made by the authors mainly from a lawyer\'s perspective, and in line with relevant international conventions in cases where relevant provisions of the laws and regulations originates directly from such conventions. The book is a welcome addition to the literature in the field and should be of interest to anyone dealing with Chinese aviation law. This book is volume 8 in our Essential Air and Space Law series, a book series set up with the aim of establishing a collection of prominent studies in this particular field of law especially for experienced practitioners (e.g. lawyers, policy makers in governments, national and international organisations and private entities), in addition to scholars involved in the research and study of air traffic and space law.

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