13-moon diary of natural time 2009-2010

Auteur N. Zonderhuis
13-moon diary of natural time 2009-2010

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789078070207
  • ISBN 10 907807020X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


More and more people are becoming familiar with the Mayan prophecies and their unique relation to time. The Tzolkin calendar assigns a specific energy to each day. Each day is different. On a Moon day, emotions dominate and you shouldn't make important decisions. On a Magician's day a sense of timelessness dominates and the hours pass without being completely aware of it. José Argüelles translated the Mayan calendar to make the 13-Moon Calendar available to the world: the 260-day Tzolkin combined with one year made up of 13 moons with 28 days. 13-Moon DiaryWith this 13-Moon Dayplanner you can see at a glance what day it is, both accor-ding to the 'ordinairy' 12-month Gregorian calendar as well as in the 13-Moon Calendar, or Dreamspell Calendar. You can discover its m ...eaning and plan your activities accordingly. In addition to clear exposition of the fundamentals, you will learn to apply the 13-Moon Calendar in practice. You will learn to calculate your and your friends' Maya 'horoscope' and be in a position to explain it. What does it reveal to you, who is your Antipode and how should you react? You will learn to identify your phase in your 52-year cycle you are at and what you can learn from it. You will learn to surf the Wavespell and discover the secret of having 'TIME!'The 13-Moon Diary is clearly explained, combined with personal experiences and ancient Mayan fables about 13-Moon animals. It is an attractive publication, the first diary produced with loving care in full color with beautiful illustrations and lots of space for making notes. Naturally, it has all the features of a contemporary diary, covering a moonplanner and menstruation/cycle calendar. The calendar covers July 26 2009 until July 25, 2010 (Day out of Time)."Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I have never been so impressed with a PAN product! [...] Your diary is an excellent bridge! The strongest one yet in my opinion. Here is a product I feel really good about promoting." Ormungandr PAN Scotland"...A must have for those who want to keep track of the Mayan and Gregorian systems at the same time." Nexus Magazine"Thank you so much for the lovely maya daytimer!! You have done a beautiful job on it! Thank you for the work you are doing for the planetary collective! ..."Ariel Spilsbury"...I still have your book on my desk. What a NICE JOB! Beautiful!" Aluna Joy Yaxkin

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