Rob's Guide To Using VMware

Auteur Rob Bastiaansen
Rob's Guide To Using VMware

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789080893436
  • ISBN 10 9080893439
  • Druk 2
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The Second Edition of Robs guide to using VMware is updated for all the new versions of VMware products. This book is based on VMware Workstation version 5 and all the tips and procedures have been updated for this latest version. The sections covering Physical to Virtual conversion and Clustering have been updated with new techniques and they now cover new information on the complete range of VMware products, including ACE v1, GSX Server v3.2 and ESX Server v2.5. The sections on VMware GSX Server and ESX Server will get you started with these high end VMware products. The author has created a very comprehensive introduction to VMwares server products which will introduce the reader to the main concepts. The information in this book is based on Microsoft Windows, Linux and Novell NetWare and ... Open Enterprise Server. For each operating system the book contains unique configuration tips on using virtual disks, networking and more. Major topics in this book are: Fast track to VMware Workstation for new usersVirtual Machine configuration and optimization tipsNetwork configurations for NAT and routingTips for Windows, Linux and NetWare in VMwarePhysical to Virtual conversion with low cost toolsClustering with shared disks in VMware Workstation, GSX Server and ESX Server If you're a newcomer to VMware products, this book tells you exactly what VMware is all about, and how to setup your first Virtual Machines. You will learn about networking, virtual disks and more. This book continues where the VMware manual stops: real life. Users are doing things with VMware that were not planned by the developers. This book fills the gaps between what users want to do and what is described in the manuals. This book introduces new uses for VMware, for example how to configure a cluster with NetWare and Windows, and how to perform Physical to Virtual conversions with simple low cost tools. The configurations in this book are explained in detail for VMware Workstation, based on version 5. Most topics also apply to VMware GSX Server and VMware ESX Server.

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