Pallas Publications 80 Years of Research at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium

Auteur Marina De Vries
Pallas Publications 80 Years of Research at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789085550518
  • ISBN 10 9085550513
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Table of Contents - 6[-]Preface - 8[-]1. The Role of a Research Organisation in an Industrial Company: Motives and Themes for Writing the History of the Philips Nat. Lab. - 12[-]2. Prologue: The Nat.Lab.\'s Early Years (1914-1923) - 20[-]PART I. The Nat.Lab. as a Growth and Diversification Factor in the Philips Company (1923-1946) - 32[-]3. Developing a Research Organisation for a Diversifying Company - 34[-] 3.1 Philips and Technological and Economic Developments in the Netherlands in the 1923-1946 Period - 34[-] 3.2 Supporting Company Diversification as a Nat.Lab. Goal - 36[-] 3.3 Increasing the Laboratory\'s Means - 53[-] The Culture and Structures for the Diversifying Research Programme - 56[-] 3.5 Influencing the Company - 65[-]4. Research for Diversification in Action - 74[-] ... 4.1 Gas Discharges and Mercury Lamps - 75[-] 4.2 X-ray Tubes - 84[-] 4.3 Ferrites - 91[-] 4.4 Holst\'s Rules Reconsidered - 97[-]Intermezzo I. The German Occupation and the Transition Years (1940-1946) - 100[-]PART II. An Autonomous Lab alongside Autonomous Product Divisions (1946-1972) - 108[-]5. A Research Organisation alongside Autonomous Product Divisions - 110[-] 5.1 The Economic, Social and Scientific Context in the 1950s and 1960s - 110[-] 5.2 A New Task Profile for the Nat.Lab. - 112[-] 5.3 Further Increase of Means - 131[-] 5.4 Culture and Structure for a \'Fundamental\' Research Lab in an Industrial Lab - 133[-] 5.5 Tensions in the Relationships with PDs - 138[-]6. The Practice of Autonomous Research - 150[-] 6.1 The Stirling Engine - 151[-] 6.2 The Plumbicon - 163[-] 6.3 LOCOS: LOCal Oxidation of Silicon - 174[-] 6.4 The VLP - 185[-] 6.5 Inventions and Innovations - 193[-]Intermezzo II. Changing Attitudes towards Science and Technology (1966-1972) - 196[-]PART III. The Road towards Mutual Commitment (1972-1994) - 200[-]7. Redirecting the Research Organisation for Mutual Commitment - 202[-] 7.1 The Problematic Economic Climate - 202[-] 7.2 Towards a PD-oriented Task Profile - 204[-] 7.3 Limited Resources - 216[-] 7.4 Changes in the Lab Culture - 227[-] 7.5 Increasing Co-operation with PDs - 230[-]8. Examples of the Road towards Mutual Commitment - 242[-] 8.1 Optical Telecommunications - 243[-] 8.2 Integrated Digital Audio Converters - 255[-] 8.3 Magnetic Recording Heads for Consumer Video Cassette Recorders - 266[-] 8.4 A Knowledge Centre for the Company - 275[-]9. Epilogue: The Dynamics of the Nat.Lab. as a Professional Organisation within the Philips Company - 278[-] 9.1 Changes in the Role of the Nat.Lab. - 278[-] 9.2 The Nature of Industrial Research - 280[-] 9.3 Comparison with other Industrial Research Laboratories - 282[-]List of Figures - 288[-]Notes - 290[-]Index - 322

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