Responsibility to protect

Redacteur Julia Hoffmann en André Nollkaemper
Responsibility to protect

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789085550556
  • ISBN 10 9085550556
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Responsibility to Protect - 2[-]Table of Contents - 6[-]Preface - 10[-]List of Abbreviations - 12[-]Introduction - 14[-]1 The 2007-08 Post-Election Crisis in Kenya A Success Story for the Responsibility to Protect? - 28[-]Part I The Emergence of the Responsibility to Protect - 38[-] 2 The Responsibility to Protect: The Journey - 40[-] 3 Reconstituting Humanity as Responsibility?The \'Turn to History\' in International Law and the Responsibility to Protect - 48[-] 4 Canada\'s Role in the Conceptual Impetus of the Responsibility to Protect and Current Contributions - 62[-] 5 The Responsibility to Protect within the Security Council\'s Open Debates on the Protection of Civilians A Growing Culture of Protection - 72[-]Part II The Responsibility to Protect under International ... Law - 84[-] 6 The Scope of the Crimes Triggering the Responsibility to Protect - 86[-] 7 The Responsibility to Protect and Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Obligations of Third States - 94[-] 8 The Responsibility to Prevent On the Assumed Legal Nature of Responsibility to Protect and its Relationship with Conflict Prevention - 112[-] 9 The Responsibility to Protect and the Obligations of States and Organisationsunder the Law of International Responsibility - 126[-] 10 Consensual Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect Responsibility to Protect\'s Place within the Legal Framework of Consensual Intervention in Internal Armed Conflict - 140[-]Part III Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect - 156[-] 11 Has Humanitarian Intervention Become Part of International Law under the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine? - 158[-] 12 Assigning Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect - 174[-] 13 The Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Intervention - 186[-]Part IV International Organisations and the Responsibility to Protect - 198[-] 14 The Responsibility to Protect and the Permanent Five The Obligation to Give Reasons for a Veto - 200[-] 15 The African Union and the Responsibility to Protect Principles and Limitations - 214[-] 16 ASEAN Responses to the Responsibility to Protect Challenges, Opportunities and Constraints - 238[-]Part V Implementing the Responsibility to Protect - 272[-] 18 A Responsibility to Protect or Preclude?Examining the Beneficiaries of the Responsibility to Protect - 274[-] 19 The Responsibility to Protect Unilateral Non-Forcible Measures and International Law - 292[-] 20 The Responsibility to Protect Through the International Court of Justice - 306[-] 21 Taking Prevention of Genocide Seriously Media Incitement to Genocide Viewed in the Light of the Responsibility to Protect - 320[-] 22 Contextualising the Prevention of Genocide - 338[-] 23 Ending Our Age of Suffering A Plan to End Genocide - 348[-]Concluding Observations - 356[-]List of Contributors - 374[-]General Index - 380[-]Index of Treaties and Other International Documents - 384

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