Divine Flesh, Embodied Word

Auteur Anne-Clair Mulder
Divine Flesh, Embodied Word

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789085551010
  • ISBN 10 9085551013
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Table of Contents - 7[-]Acknowledgements - 12[-] Acknowledgements 2005 - 14[-]Introduction - 16[-]I. Incarnation: the Word becomes flesh - 29[-] 1. The order of discourse is built upon matricide - 32[-] A specific order of the city is established through matricide - 33[-] The constitution of the masculine subject is founded upon matricide - 42[-] 2. \'And the Word became flesh\': salvation or matricide? - 54[-] The Prologue to the Gospel of John - 56[-] The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed - 67[-] The Eucharist: this is my body, this is my blood - 71[-] 3. Becoming woman, becoming \'hysteric\': the genesis of female embodied subjectivity - 83[-] The order of discourse eradicates difference - 84[-] Becoming woman, becoming hysteric - 93[-]II. Incarnation: the flesh ... becomes Word - 109[-] 4. The flesh: maternal, sensible, tangible and libidinal matter - 117[-] The flesh: blood, flesh, material elements - 119[-] Being is rooted in the flesh - 134[-] 5. Morphology: corporeal, imaginary, linguistic differences between the sexes - 137[-] Morphology: the form of the flesh - 139[-] Morphology: the parameter to the formation of identity - 143[-] Discovering the morphology of the female sex. - 152[-] The morphology of language - 164[-] 6. God-She: the horizon or \'objective\' of a gender and the object of communication - 171[-] \'God\': the emblem of a \'house-of-language\' - 173[-] 7. God: mirror of woman - 190[-] Women need a Speculum Mundi to become - 193[-] Inventing an identity: giving oneself images - 203[-] Identity and becoming - 208[-]III. Incarnation: fruit of the encounter with the other - 218[-] 8. The dialectical structure of the relation to the other - 224[-] The recognition of the alterity of the other - 225[-] From God as the transcendent Other to the transcendence of the other: Luce Irigaray\'s critique of God - 227[-] The recognition of the other is the labour of the negative - 242[-] The dialectical movement between self and other, between inner and outer - 251[-] Incarnation: the fruit of the encounter with the other - 255[-] 9. Incarnation: the fruit of the encounter of female subject with the horizon of her gender - 258[-] The transcendence of the horizon of the female gender - 259[-] Luce Irigaray looks at art. - 270[-] The construction of a horizon: aesthetic practice and theory ánd the recources of this construction - 280[-] 10. Incarnation: the fruit of the encounter of female subject with the other: man or woman - 293[-] The love of and for the other of different sex - 294[-] Love of the other, woman - 321[-] The fecundity of the love of the other - 333[-]Epilogue - 344[-] Speaking and thinking \'God\': the dialectics between flesh and Word. - 344[-] The Flesh: living and productive matter - 346[-] The flesh as living matter - 346[-] The flesh is productive matter: the significance of a philosophy of sexual difference - 349[-] A post-theistic understanding of \'God - 358[-] The function of \'God\' in a post-theistic discourse - 361[-] \'God\': the symbol of the transcendence of the horizon of a gender - 366[-] The dialectical relation of flesh and Word - 369[-] The dialectics between \'God\' and the divine and the tension between eros and thanatos - 370[-] The divine: creative ánd disruptive force - 374[-]Bibliography - 380[-] Book and articles by Luce Irigaray, used in this book - 380[-] Books and articles by other authors - 382[-]Index - 396

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