Why leather?

Bewerker Andre Veldmeijer en Susanna Harris
Why leather?

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789088902611
  • ISBN 10 9088902615
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


This pioneering volume brings together specialists from contemporary craft and industry and from archaeology to examine both the material properties and the cultural dimensions of leather. The common occurrence of animal skin products through time, whether vegetable tanned leather, parchment, vellum, fat-cured skins or rawhide attest to its enduring versatility, utility and desirability. Typically grouped together as 'leather', the versatility of these materials is remarkable: they can be soft and supple like a textile, firm and rigid like a basket, or hard and watertight like a pot or gourd. This volume challenges a simple utilitarian or functional approach to leather; in a world of technological and material choices, leather is appropriated according to its suitability on many levels. ... In addressing the question Why leather? authors of this volume present new perspectives on the material and cultural dimensions of leather. Their wide-ranging research includes the microscopic examination of skin structure and its influence on behaviour, experiments on medieval cuir bouilli armour, the guild secrets behind the leather components of nineteenth-century industrial machinery, new research on ancient Egyptian chariot leather, the relationship between wine and wineskins, and the making of contemporary leather wall covering. The Archaeological Leather Group promotes the study of leather and leather objects from archaeological and other contexts. The Group aims to provide a focus for the investigation of leather, and to develop new research by bringing together a broad range of knowledge and experience both practical and academic. Leather is explored through its manufacture, function, context, processing, recording, conservation, care and curation. Members come from a variety of disciplines and include archaeologists, historians, conservators, artefact specialists, materials engineers and leather workers. The Group normally meets twice a year and organises one scholarly meeting in the spring, and visits a museum, working tannery or other place of leather interest in the autumn. The Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter is published twice a year, and the website maintains a comprehensive and expanding leather bibliography. Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction. Leather in Archaeology; Between material properties, materiality and technological choicesSusanna Harris Chapter 2. Skin deep: An outline of the structure of different skins and how it influences behaviour in use. A practitioner's guideAmanda Michel Chapter 3. Cuir bouilli armourEddie Cheshire Chatper 4. Bespoke vellum: Some unusual requestsLaura Youngson Coll Chapter 5. Leather in the textile industry - A memoirAlan S. Raistrick Chapter 6. Why Leather in ancient Egyptian chariots?André J. Veldmeijer & Salima Ikram Chapter 7. Why wineskins? The exploration of a relationship between wine and a skin containerBarbara Wills & Amanda Watts

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