WRR Attached to the World

Auteur Ben Knapen
WRR Attached to the World

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089643285
  • ISBN 10 9089643281
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Attached to the World - 4[-]summary - 8[-]preface - 14[-]1 motivation and background:an introduction - 16[-] 1.1 motivation - 16[-] 1.2 background - 18[-] 1.3 problem definition - 22[-] 1.4 limitations and structure of this report - 24[-]2 from fragmentation to strategy - 26[-] 2.1 tilting of the policy agenda - 27[-] 2.1.1 security - 28[-] 2.1.2 energy - 32[-] 2.1.3 climate - 34[-] 2.2 consequences for foreign policy - 35[-] 2.2.1 foreign policy as a doughnut - 35[-] 2.2.2 punching above its weight - 36[-] 2.2.3 public opinion as an uncertain factor - 39[-] 2.3 towards clear choices and priorities - 42[-] 2.3.1 awareness of the global context - 43[-] 2.3.2 interest-based prioritising - 44[-] 2.3.3 niches as specialisations - 51[-] 2.3.4 some examples of niches - 52[-] 2.4 conclusion ... - 57[-]3 europe: arena and link - 60[-] 3.1 beyond two mental worlds - 61[-] 3.1.1 nato - 62[-] 3.1.2 europe as a power bloc - 64[-] 3.1.3 and europe as a network - 65[-] 3.1.4 a new avenue - 67[-] 3.2 europe as a political arena - 69[-] 3.3 europe as a link to the world stage - 71[-] 3.3.1 external policy in the treaty of lisbon - 72[-] 3.3.2 the european council - 73[-] 3.4 a convoy carrying two flags - 74[-] 3.4.1 consequences for the scope of action - 75[-] 3.4.2 national and european ambitions - 76[-] 3.5 the netherlands in europe - 78[-] 3.5.1 sovereign and attached - 78[-] 3.5.2 shared european destinies - 81[-] 3.6 conclusion - 83[-]4 directing and facilitating - 86[-] 4.1 organising strategic foreign policy - 87[-] 4.1.1 ministry of general and european affairs - 87[-] 4.1.2 foreign affairs as a technical ministry - 91[-] 4.2 using existing instruments - 92[-] 4.2.1 hgis as a steering instrument - 92[-] 4.2.2 made-to-measure network of embassies - 94[-] 4.2.3 knowledge beyond international headlines - 95[-] 4.3 switching between state and non-state arenas - 97[-] 4.3.1 centrality - 100[-] 4.3.2 cooperation - 101[-] 4.3.3 soft power - 104[-] 4.4 conclusion - 105[-]5 conclusions and recommendations - 108[-] 5.1 the netherlands in a changing world - 108[-] 5.2 opportunities for setting our \'own agenda\' - 110[-] 5.2.1 tilting of issues - 110[-] 5.2.2 consequences for foreign policy - 111[-] 5.2.3 strategic choices - 112[-] 5.3 reorientation on europe - 114[-] 5.4 towards a new practice - 116[-] 5.4.1 another approach - 116[-] 5.4.2 using instruments in a different way - 117[-] 5.4.3 goal-orientated cooperation - 118[-] 5.5 in conclusion - 119[-]list of abbreviations - 120[-]references - 122[-]list of interviewees - 136[-]appendix 1 - 142[-]appendix 2 - 144[-]appendix 3 - 148[-]appendix 4 - 150[-]Naamloos - 26

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