The making of the humanities volume 2 - from early modern to modern disciplines

Redacteur Thijs Weststeijn , Rens Bod en Jaap Maat
The making of the humanities volume 2 - from early modern to modern disciplines

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089644558
  • ISBN 10 9089644555
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Introduction: The Dawn of the Modern Humanities[-]Rens Bod[-][-]Part I. Linguistics and Philology[-][-]1. The Rise of Philology: The Comparative Method, the Historicist Turn and the Surreptitious Influence of Giambattista Vico[-]Joep Leerssen[-][-]2. Linguistics ante litteram: Compiling and Transmitting Views on Language Diversity and Relatedness before the Nineteenth Century[-]Toon van Hal[-][-]3. The Rise of General Linguistics as an Academic Discipline: Georg von der Gabelentz as a Co-Founder[-]Els Elffers[-][-]Part II. The Humanities and the Sciences[-][-]4. The Mutual Making of Sciences and Humanities: Willebrord Snellius, Jacob Golius, and the Early Modern Entanglement of Mathematics and Philology[-]Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis[-][-]5. A \'Human\' Science: Hawkins\'s Science ... of Music[-]Maria Semi[-][-]6. Bopp the Builder. Discipline Formation as Hybridization: The Case of Comparative Linguistics[-]Bart Karstens[-][-]Part III. Writing History and Intellectual History[-][-]7. Nineteenth-Century Historicism and its Predecessors: Historical Experience, Historical Ontology and Historical Method[-]Jacques Bos[-][-]9. Fact and Fancy in Nineteenth-Century Historiography and Fiction: The Case of Macaulay and Roidis[-]Foteini Lika[-][-]8. The Humanities as the Stronghold of Freedom: John Milton\'s Areopagitica and John Stuart Mill\'s On Liberty[-]Hilary Gatti[-][-]Part IV. The Impact of the East[-][-]10. The Impact on the European Humanities of Early Reports from Catholic Missionaries from China, Tibet and Japan between 1600 and 1700[-]Gerhard F. Strasser[-][-]11. The Middle Kingdom in the Low Countries: Sinology in the Early Modern Netherlands[-]Thijs Weststeijn[-][-]12. The Oriental Origins of Orientalism: The Case of Dimitrie Cantemir[-]Michiel Leezenberg[-][-]Part V. Artworks and Texts[-][-]13. The Role of Emotions in the Development of Artistic Theory and the System of Literary Genres[-]Mats Malm[-][-]14. Philology and the History of Art[-]Adi Efal[-][-]Part VI. Literature and Rhetoric[-][-]15. Bourgeois versus Aristocratic Models of Scholarship: Medieval Studies at the Académie des Inscriptions, 1701-1751[-]Alicia C. Montoya[-][-]16. Ancients, Moderns and the Gothic in Eighteenth-Century Historiography[-]Neus Rotger[-][-]17. The Afterlife of Rhetoric in Hobbes, Vico and Nietzsche[-]David L. Marshall[-][-]Part VII. Academic Communities[-][-]18. The Documents of Feith: The Centralization of the Archive in Nineteenth-Century Historiography[-]Pieter Huistra[-][-]19. Humboldt in Copenhagen: Discipline Formation in the Humanities at the University of Copenhagen in the Nineteenth Century[-]Claus Møller Jørgensen[-][-]20. The Scholarly Self: Ideals of Intellectual Virtue in Nineteenth-Century Leiden[-]Herman Paul[-][-]List of Contributors[-][-]List of Illustrations[-][-]Index[-][-]

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