Financing high medical risks

Auteur K.P. Companje
Financing high medical risks

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089646729
  • ISBN 10 9089646728
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Acknowledgements 5[-]1 Introduction 11[-]1 Reforming welfare states and the sustainability of long-term care in the EU 11[-]2 Organising and financing long-term care: the long-term perspective 13[-]3 Long-term care as a catch-all term? 17[-]4 The contents of this book: the EU, case studies and a multi-pillar approach 20[-][-]2 Europe and healthcare including long-term care, who cares? 23[-]Jos G.H. Draijer [-]1 Introduction 23[-]2 EU Treaty provisions 25[-]3 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice 30[-]4 Economic government of the EU 38[-]5 Coordination of healthcare including long-term care at EU level 40[-]6 Conclusive summary 41[-][-]3 Sustainable Care? Norwegian long-term care in a European perspective 43[-]Svein O. Daatland[-]1 Introduction 43[-]2 Welfare state models 45[-]3 The ... Scandinavian model 48[-]4 Long-term care models 49[-]5 Recent trends and controversies 55[-]6 The sustainability issue 58[-]References 61[-][-]4 Fiscal and social policy: financing long-term care in Germany 63[-]Ralf Götze and Heinz Rothgang[-]1 Introduction 63[-]2 Institutions, actors, and interests in German LTC Policy 66[-]3 The stony road to long-term care insurance in Germany 68[-]4 Effects of the LTCI Act 86[-]5 Recent developments and unresolved issues 91[-]6 Conclusion 96[-]References 98[-][-]5 Financing high medical risks in the Netherlands: healthcare, social insurance and political compromises 101[-]Karel-Peter Companje[-]1 Introduction 101[-]2 More than a century of cover for high medical risks: invalidity and old-age insurance in Germany and the Netherlands 103[-]3 Problems with insuring high medical risks around 1950 107[-]4 From problem to solution: the Algemene Wet Zware Medische Risico\'s 110[-]5 On healthcare, insurance and the AW(B)Z 115[-]6 Foreign provisions for high medical risks 121[-]7 Coherence between social insurance legislation and the AWZ 123[-]8 The AWZ debate: hospital care as an insurable problem 126[-]9 The AWBZ, Veldkamp, and insuring healthcare and security 129[-]10 The AWBZ in 1968: finance, administration, provisions and recognition 130[-]11 The AWBZ, structure, cost control and social insurance, 1974-1983 135[-]12 The AWBZ as an instrument for system reform 143[-]12.1 The AWBZ - the binding agent in the reform of the healthcare system? 147[-]13 The AWBZ after the Simons Plan: demand-driven care in the first compartment 151[-]14 The AWBZ and personalised care: elderly care and home care 155[-]15 Cash on the nail is not enough to solve the problem of waiting lists 160[-]16 Modernising the AWBZ: the relationship between forms of healthcare and information problems 161[-]17 AWBZ and WMO: separating insured provisions and facilities provided 164[-]18 The AWBZ and the healthcare system: financial manageability and spiralling costs 166[-]19 Conclusions 171[-][-]6 Towards multi-pillar financing of Dutch long-term care for the elderly? 177[-]Lou Spoor[-]1 Introduction 178[-]2 Rising healthcare expenditure: what is the problem? 179[-]3 Healthcare funding and solidarity: where does the Netherlands stand? 190[-]4 Saving for healthcare: for what kind of care, why and how? 198[-]5 Saving: via the pension or in the health insurance domain? 208[-]6 Care, pensions and housing 225[-]7 What next? Conclusions, expectations and recommendations 237[-]References 241[-][-]7 Conclusions 245[-]1 Long-term care at the interface of care and the social domain 245[-]2 The viability of long-term care 1974-2013 248[-]3 Final remarks 251 [-][-]List of contributors 255 [-][-]List of figures, tables and boxes 257[-][-]

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