Social Control and Justice

Redacteur Maria Joao Guia , Maartje van der Woude en Joanne van der Leun
Social Control and Justice

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789490947781
  • ISBN 10 9490947784
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Crimmigration consists of the letter and practice of laws and policies at the intersection of criminal law and immigration law. Crimmigration scholars study the creation of crimmigration laws and policies, their enforcement, and the institutional dynamics that create crimmigration law and are created by it. Many have written about the use of crimmigration law to exert social control over groups marginalised by ethnic bias, class, or citizenship status. Crimmigration law gained footholds in Canada and Europe. It manifests itself differently outside the United States because of differences in each area\'s approach to migration and criminal control. Nevertheless, it remains a recognisable trend with consistent parallels to US crimmigration law. Social Control and Justice: Crimmigration in ... an Age of Fear offers a fresh,multi-disciplinary and international examination of a phenomenon that has altered the landscape of migration in the United States and is now taking root in Canada and throughout Europe. In placing crimmigration in the \'Age of Fear,\' the book challenges us to consider the many facets of fear that interrelate with crimmigration. Fear has the power to produce and shape the contours of crimmigration law and the structures and products of the institutions that seek to control it. This book describes some of the major developments stemming from the rise of crimmigration across continents and borders, and traces their implications. This book is the first of a planned series of volumes mapping the geography of crimmigration from a global perspective. The work of the international scholars in this book explores the origins and effects of crimmigration. It uncovers its new manifestations in previously uncharted territory. Maria João Guia is Associate Researcher at the Center of Human Rights, at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Maartje van der Woude is assistant professor of Criminology at the Institute for Criminal Law & Criminology, Leiden Law School, the Netherlands. Joanne van der Leun is professor of Criminology at the Institute for Criminal Law & Criminology, Leiden Law School, the Netherlands.

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