Auteur Bert van Dam Vertaler Diona van Hemme

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789492179128
  • ISBN 10 9492179121
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


BAM! makbantu Model for the Meaning of Life All of us long to lead a good life, and a fulfilling one at that. But which ingredients do you need to accomplish this? Isn't it bizarre that even after thousands of years' progress by man, there is still no elementary model, no pure and simple guideline on how to lead a fulfilling and happy life? According to Bert van Dam, this model does exist. The makbuntu-model is a secret which was hidden away in Africa. It revealed itself during a visit to the Serengeti where Van Dam and his family witnessed a huge herd of wildebeest cross the Mara-river. With this spectacle, Mother Nature disclosed various clues which eventually led to the makbuntu-model. The epiphany Van Dam had been after for 25 years. And it hit him right between the eyes. BAM! ... The word "makbuntu" is a combination of the Arabic word "maktub" (= it is written in the Universe) and Zulu "Ubuntu" (= to be one with your surroundings). The makbuntu-model is based on three ingredients: creation, love and appreciation. Every person is on this planet (1) to create from the heart - your creation is what you contribute to the world; (2) to give and to receive love, and (3) to appreciate all creations in existence. This circle of giving and receiving is in perfect harmony; on par with the Laws of Nature. When you abide by makbuntu, your life will become worthwhile and fulfilling. Many people lack a day-to-day balance. They live their life doing work that doesn't meet their heart's desire (resulting in alienation and stress), they overly focus on worldly goods (not giving enough love) and or don't appreciate the beautiful things life offers. These people can be found everywhere - reduced to empty shells. Human beings who in time will look back on their life with countless regrets. CREATION - LOVE - APPRECIATION Fortunately, there is another way. "We all have two lives; the second one begins when we realize we only have one." So stop muddling about and settling for a mediocre life. You deserve top-notch, this is why you should embrace makbuntu. It will brighten the world - perhaps that is the true "purpose" of makbuntu. Shining examples can be found all around us... In this book, you will find practical methods that you can deploy right away. As soon as you've finished reading, just set off to make your life the best life possible!

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