A Bibliography of Natural History Travel Narratives

Auteur A.S. Troelstra
A Bibliography of Natural History Travel Narratives

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789050115964
  • ISBN 10 9050115969
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


"As far as I am aware this is the only bibliography of its kind. And it\'s a stupendous piece of work." - Redmond O\'Hanlon - Anne Troelstra\'s fine bibliography is an outstanding and ground-breaking work. He has provided the academic world with a long-needed bibliographical record of human endeavour in the field of the natural sciences. The travel narratives listed here encompass all aspects of the natural world in every part of the globe, but are especially concerned with its fauna, flora and fossil remains. Such eyewitness accounts have always fascinated their readers, but they were never written solely for entertainment: fragmentary though they often are, these narratives of travel and exploration are of immense importance for our scientific understanding of life ... on earth, providing us with a window on an ever changing, and often vanishing, natural world. Without such records of the past we could not track, document or understand the significance of changes that are so important for the study of zoogeography. With this book Troelstra gives us a superb overview of natural history travel narratives. The well over four thousand detailed entries, ranging over four centuries and all major western European languages, are drawn from a wide range of sources and include both printed books and periodical contributions. While no subject bibliography by a single author can attain absolute completeness, Troelstra\'s work is comprehensive to a truly remarkable degree. The entries are arranged alphabetically by author and chronologically, by the year of first publication, under the author\'s name. A brief biography, with the scope and range of their work, is given for each author; every title is set in context, the contents - including illustrations - are described and all known editions and translations are cited. In addition, there is a geographical index that cross refers between authors and the regions visited, and a full list of the bibliographical and biographical sources used in compiling the bibliography. Tags: natural history, travel narratives, encyclopedia, travel summaries, historical travel reports, geography, compendium, historische reisverhalen, reisverslagen, reisreportages, reisberichten, expedities, reisexpedities, mens en natuur, reportages, reizen, natuurhistorie, encyclopedie

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