Care & Welfare In Pursuit of Land Tenure Security

Auteur H. Dekker
Care & Welfare In Pursuit of Land Tenure Security

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789085551119
  • ISBN 10 9085551110
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Table of Contents - 6[-]List of figures - 10[-]Preface - 12[-]Acknowledgement - 20[-]1 PERCEPTION OF LAND TENURE SECURITY - 22[-] 1.1 A book on land tenure security - 22[-] 1.2 Hunger for land - 24[-] 1.3 Land reform is not new - 26[-] 1.4 Structure of the book - 27[-]2 FIELDS, LAND, ACCESS TO LAND AND STEWARDSHIP OF LAND - 32[-] 2.1 Economics and rights to land - 32[-] 2.2 Land and sea - 39[-] 2.3 Stewardship - 42[-] 2.4 Is land transferable? - 47[-] 2.5 Are we tenants or owners? - 49[-] 2.6 Buying and selling of (rights to) land - 53[-] 2.7 Some land near Bethlehem? - 57[-] 2.8 Returning to Bethlehem - 60[-] 2.9 Part of a field near Bethlehem belonging to Boaz - 63[-] 2.10 Purchasing a parcel of land near Bethlehem - 66[-] 2.11 Just a field near Bethlehem in Judea? - 68[-]3 PEOPLE IN TRANSITION ... - 74[-] 3.1 The chairman of the collective farm - 74[-] 3.2 Private individual ownership of rights to land - 79[-] 3.3 Urban property - 84[-] 3.4 Rural life - 88[-] 3.5 From customary to statutory land tenure - 93[-] 3.5.1 Questioning change - 93[-] 3.5.2 Introduction to statutory land tenure - 95[-] 3.5.3 Statutory land tenure together with customary rules? - 98[-] 3.6 Legal pluralism and self-rule - 102[-] 3.7 The practice of indigenous self-rule - 106[-] 3.7.1 Tuva - 106[-] 3.7.2 Northern Canada - 109[-] 3.7.3 What does self-rule mean in daily practice? - 111[-]4 PRIVATIZATION OF FARMLAND IN FORMER COMMUNIST COUNTRIES - 124[-] 4.1 Reversing the collectivization of farmland - 124[-] 4.2 Sovchozy and kolchozy - 125[-] 4.3 Janis and Vaiva - 128[-] 4.4 Problems of large-scale farming - 131[-] 4.5 Legislation regulating land reform - 133[-] 4.6 Different land reform projects - 135[-] 4.7 Where are my (former) fields? - 136[-] 4.8 Limitations on the size of the land - 138[-] 4.9 Constraints for creating successful private farms - 140[-] 4.10 The actual process of de-collectivization - 142[-] 4.11 Institutional framework for restitution - 144[-] 4.12 Data on restituted land - 149[-] 4.13 Land registration/cadastre and a market economy - 151[-] 4.14 Opportunities to establish a land registration - 154[-] 4.15 Land reform; almost done? - 155[-] 4.16 Privatization in hindsight - 157[-]5 RAPID RESULTS AND POSTPONED PROBLEMS OR THOROUGH RESEARCH AND SUSTAINED SOLUTIONS? - 164[-] 5.1 Land tenure and land reform - 164[-] 5.2 The economic growth paradigm and the food security paradigm - 167[-] 5.3 Land tenure change in post communist countries - 168[-] 5.4 A new approach to rights to common land - 172[-] 5.5 Development of land tenure systems - 175[-] 5.6 Danger of limited dimensional approaches - 177[-] 5.7 Individual ownership - 179[-] 5.8 Communal ownership - 181[-] 5.9 Individual and communal tenure systems - 185[-] 5.10 Evolutionary theory of land rights - 186[-] 5.11 Additional measures for sustainable solutions - 190[-] 5.12 The challenge: designing an idiosyncratic system - 192[-]6 LAND TENURE SECURITY IN A UNITED EUROPE - 198[-] 6.1 Increased insecurity? - 198[-] 6.2 Second home or pie in the sky? - 199[-] 6.3 Registration of rights to land - 203[-] 6.4 Four types of land registration - 207[-] 6.5 Criteria for land registration to protect rights to land - 209[-] 6.6 Comprehensive comparison between positive and negative systems - 213[-] 6.7 Moment of transfer of rights to land - 216[-] 6.8 Security of rights to land offered by the government - 218[-] 6.9 Title insurance - 220[-] 6.10 Title insurance and existing land registrations - 225[-]7 MEASURES AND LAND TENURE SECURITY - 228[-] 7.1 Measures - 228[-] 7.2 The metric system - 232[-] 7.3 Land registration in the USA - 235[-] 7.4 Economic interest - 242[-] 7.5 Landed property - 245[-] 7.6 The final decision maker - 248[-] 7.7 Pursuing land tenure security - 250[-]Glossary - 258[-]Index

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