Job-specific workers health surveillance for construction workers

Auteur J.S. Boschman
Job-specific workers health surveillance for construction workers

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789088916588
  • ISBN 10 9088916586
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Over het boek/proefschrift:Workers' health surveillance aims at the assessment of workers' health and work ability by detecting any clinical or preclinical abnormalities. In that way, it can be verified whether the occupational exposures have any detrimental effect on the health of workers and whether the worker is fit for the job. Each WHS should be designed based on evidence and in such a way that it is relevant to the nature of the demands and health effects of the occupation of interest.Due to the demanding nature of the sector, construction workers face high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. Hence, a job-specific health surveillance programme for construction workers seems a necessary complementary approach in guarding the health of the workers. The aim of this ... thesis is to develop and evaluate a job-specific WHS for construction workers. This thesis focuses on two construction occupations as representatives for a more physically or more mentally demanding occupation: bricklayers and construction supervisors, respectively. Over de auteur:Julitta Sigrid Boschman was born on July 21st 1984 in Amsterdam. She started in 2003 with the study Human Movement Sciences at the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences at the VUUniversity in Amsterdam. She graduated in 2008 and started as a PhD student at the Coronel Institute of Occupational Health at the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam. Here, she developed a job-specific workers' health surveillance for construction workers and evaluated the instrument in a controlled trial. The results of this project are described in this thesis. Julitta is an enthusiastic runner and since 2008 owner of, in which the main focus is on advising, coaching and training of both recreational and competitive runners. She has special interest in running technique and running-related injuries.Since 2012 she is co-owner of Vintta, an initiative of her and Vincent Gouttebarge. The focusis on applied research, innovation and implementation in the field of (top)sport and health.

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