WRR Verkenningen Doing Good or Doing Better

Auteur M. Kremer , P. van Lieshout en R. Went
WRR Verkenningen Doing Good or Doing Better

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789089641076
  • ISBN 10 9089641076
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


contents - 6[-]about the authors - 10[-]preface - 14[-]1 towards development policies based onlesson learning: an introduction - 16[-] 1.1 paradigm shifts - 17[-] 1.2 globalization - 20[-] 1.3 at the beginning of the 21st century: elements fordevelopment policies based on lesson learning - 23[-]2 twenty-first century globalization,paradigm shifts in development - 28[-] 2.1 twenty-first century globalization - 28[-] 2.2 turning points - 30[-] 2.3 new development era - 31[-] 2.4 international development cooperation - 41[-]3 does foreign aid work? - 48[-] 3.1 introduction - 48[-] 3.2 what aid are we talking about? - 49[-] 3.3 challenges in trying to assess the impact of aid - 52[-] 3.4 does aid work? the evidence - 55[-] 3.5 constraining aid\'s greater impact and how theseconstraints might ... be addressed - 66[-] 3.6 concluding comments: aid and the wider perspective - 71[-]4 under-explored treasure troves ofdevelopment lessons: lessons from thehistories of small rich european countries - 82[-] 4.1 introduction: lessons from history, or rather the\'secret history\' - 82[-] 4.2 agriculture - 87[-] 4.3 industrial development - 90[-] 4.4 corporate governance and the concentration ofeconomic power - 96[-] 4.5 social and political factors - 98[-] 4.6 concluding remarks - 100[-]5 stagnation in africa: disentanglingfigures, facts and fiction - 108[-] 5.1 stagnation in sub-saharan africa - 109[-] 5.2 the low social development cause - 112[-] 5.3 the not-a-nation-state cause - 114[-] 5.4 the dependence on raw material exports cause - 116[-] 5.5 the greedy politicians cause - 117[-] 5.6 the weak states and weak policies cause - 119[-] 5.7 the washington consensus cause - 120[-] 5.8 other traps and curses - 124[-] 5.9 conclusions and consequences - 126[-]6 including the middle classes?latin american social policies after thewashington consensus - 138[-] 6.1 the isi period and the origins of social policy regimes - 139[-] 6.2 the debt crisis and the washington consensus - 140[-] 6.3 neoliberalism and its failures - 141[-] 6.4 turn to the left and basic universalism? - 145[-] 6.5 the role of the middle classes - 149[-] 6.6 lessons for development policy and external support - 151[-]7 imaginary institutions: state-building inafghanistan - 158[-] 7.1 the afghan state and the dynamics that affect it - 159[-] 7.2 the nature of the state-building effort inafghanistan - 164[-] 7.3 how the \'international community\' responds - 166[-] 7.4 some concluding remarks - 171[-]8 beyond development orthodoxy:chinese lessons in pragmatism andinstitutional change - 178[-] 8.1 buried under development? - 178[-] 8.2 on land and institutions - 181[-] 8.3 chinese pragmatism: colored cats or the demise ofideology? - 184[-] 8.4 implications of chinese development: someconcluding observations - 194[-]9 business and sustainable development:from passive involvement to activepartnerships - 212[-] 9.1 introduction: from uniform to pluriformdevelopment thinking - 212[-] 9.2 from a traditional to a new development paradigm - 214[-] 9.3 from macro to micro: the role of multinationals insustainable development - 217[-] 9.4 from general to specific: strategic management ofcorporations and poverty alleviation - 220[-] 9.5 from passive to active: the search for partnerships - 227[-] 9.6 conclusion: the challenges ahead - 229[-]10 why \'philanthrocapitalism\' is notthe answer: private initiatives andinternational development - 238[-] 10.1 private initiatives - what kind and how much? - 240[-] 10.2 ngo initiatives - 242[-] 10.3 institutional philanthropy - 245[-] 10.4 common problems: impact and accountability - 249[-] 10.5 conclusions and implications for development policy - 250[-]11 the trouble with participation:assessing the new aid paradigm - 256[-] 11.1 participation: on the main menu

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