The trade marketing dimension

Auteur R. Cijs en E. van den Berg Illustrator C. Voute Redacteur P. de Wolff
The trade marketing dimension

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789052615271
  • ISBN 10 9052615276
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The Trade Marketing Dimension was written for commercial professionals in the Consumer Goods industry, their retailer-counterparts and others in the chain, as well as academicians; a must for those who need a practical and realistic marketing model in planning their business targets.Here's what others have to say:'[The Trade Marketing Dimension] is structured clearly, easy to follow and quite well written. ... not at all boring or preaching: ... breezy, even humorous and thus fun to read while still managing to build its conceptual arguments in cogent and step-wise fashion. ... The first several chapters serve as a lucid and accurate history ... and hence do a nice job in setting up today's industry landscape. For that reason alone, I would suggest that every trade marketer ... have this book on his shelf. The industry has needed this book for a long time. [Its] greatest contribution is the strate¬gic model. With so many forces at play, many not always transparent, models are needed to guide the trade marketer in allocating scarce resources... The model put forward here accom¬plishes this... in a most pragmatic way. [T]he authors have a keen understanding of the real world of what makes a difference in trade marketing and what desirable outcomes might be.' Edward W. McLaughlin, Robert G. Tobin Professor of Marketing, Cornell University, USA'There is no doubt that the fierce competition of recent years contributed to Trade Marketing undergoing several interesting developments, in theory and practice. The Trade Marketing Dimen¬sion describes this growth in an excellent series of sketches, of real practical value to practition¬ers and marketing students alike, to help them study, understand and practice the new discipline of Trade Marketing. ...[A] genuine addition to our understanding of the field: in my opinion the first to offer a full overview of Trade Marketing's many facets.' Will J. M. Reijnders, Professor TIAS Business School, Universiteit van Tilburg, The Netherlands'Having created a "trade marketing role" within my marketing department at Heineken in the mid 80s... It was early days and very explorative. The Trade Marketing Dimension makes clear that today Trade Marketing has developed to be the third pillar of an integral commercial strategy, next to (consumer) marketing and sales. Reading the book also made me realise that Trade Marketing can be split in two distinctive parts. Strategic: Channel analyses, channel selection and channel policy, and Operational: Account analyses and (sales) support... [A]n important element to consider when setting up a Trade Marketing department and selecting the right people.' Erik J. Korthals Altes, former General Manager, Heineken, The Netherlands

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