Surrounded by physics

Auteur Robert Mudde
Surrounded by physics

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789065621696
  • ISBN 10 9065621695
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Surrounded by physics This book is the result of a series of lectures that the author gaveduring a number of years to fi rst year students in Applied Physics atDelft University of Technology. The idea for such a course started fromdiscussions with our students. They made a plea for an extra physicscourse in the fi rst year to get a better balance in the math and physicscourses. Their wish was granted and the author was asked to prepair aseries of lectures with as theme 'Physics of Daily Life'. This idea was ofcourse inspired by the series of books that Prof. Dr. M. Minnaert wrote inthe 30s of the 20th century. It should not be a course, that deals withonly one of the main theories of physics. On the contrary, the idea wasrather to stroll along all kinds of more or less familiar ... phenomena. Bytouching on these phenomena, different parts of physics and theaccompanying theory would be discussed with the students. Being exposed tophenomena and open questions and being encouraged to think as a physicistwas more important than providing the theoretical background along thetraditional lines of the sub-disciplines and theories of physics.Various aspects from daily life were chosen for the examples. Forinstance: what is the thickness of our atmosphere and can we make anestimate based on common knowledge? Or, what is the temperature of theearth without the greenhouse effect? Many more examples were in subsequentyears discussed. They are taken from the visible phenomena in theatmosphere, from sound, from the kitchen or from sports, to name a few. Inthe book they are grouped in six chapters.Contents Preface 1. Elephant ears, dolphins and the balance equation 2. The sky has a limit 3. The sound in a cup of coffee 4. Flowingwater and air 5. Cooking, boiling, heating 6. Mechanics at work Bibliography Index.

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