Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics

Auteur G.J.M. Koper
Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789065621870
  • ISBN 10 9065621873
  • Druk 2
  • Bindwijze Paperback


An introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics This book is aimed at students in the fields of molecular or life scienceand technology. It introduces thermodynamics as a predictive tool anddiscusses the spontaneity of chemical reactions and the power that can beobtained from fuel cells.The emphasis of the first part is on applications of the Second Law ofThermodynamics on (bio)chemical processes and the Gibbs energy isintroduced as the predictive quantity. The First Law of Thermodynamics isintroduced merely to manage the energy resources. The last chapter of thefirst part deals with the efficiency of processes where the role ofentropy is discovered.The second part is devoted to chemical and physical equilibria. Thevarious relations that exist for equilibria are exposed as universallyrelated ... to the Gibbs energy. Ideal mixing relations and ideal solutionrelations are constantly being used as a simplified approach to the realsituation. In the last chapter of this part, the deviations from idealityare assessed and the magnitude of the fugacity and activity coefficientsis critically discussed.The book is also aimed at chemical engineering students. These need toknow more about processes and their efficiencies. Therefore the third partof the book is devoted to distributed processes. In the first chapter someimportant aspects of formal thermodynamics are discussed, in particularthe role of entropy to identify equilibrium and stability. The secondchapter of this part continues this discussion and introduces the conceptof internal entropy production. To discuss these two issues, systems aresubdivided into two parts that are not necessarily in equilibrium: thesystem is inhomogeneous. The last chapter of this part explains how fullyinhomogeneous and flowing systems can be dealt with and how entropyproduction can be managed.The fourth - and new - part of the book contains applications tomacromolecular systems where solution properties, binding phenomena andmembranes are discussed. This part has been added to provide material fora more advanced course. The topics dealt with in these chapters arerelatively modern and appropriate references to the relevant literatureare made. The author has tried to present this material from a fewunifying concepts so as to demonstrate the analogy between the varioustreatments in the current literature. Also, the relation to colloidscience - even though dealing more with particles than with macromolecules- is discussed.ContentsPrefacePart I - Processes in Chemistry and Biochemistry1 Overview 2 Spontaneity of processes3 Available work4 Energy conservation5 Efficiency and entropyPart II - Chemical and Physical Equilibria6 General aspects of equilibria7 Phase equilibria of pure substances8 Capillary phenomena and adsorption9 Phase equilibria of mixtures10 Mixtures and colligative properties11 Non-ideal mixturesPart III - Distributed Processes12 Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics13 Irreversible processes14 Flow processesPart IV - Macromolecular Systems15 Macromolecular solutions16 Macromolecular binding equilibria17 MembranesIndex

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