The Testing Practitioner

Auteur E. van Veenendaal
The Testing Practitioner

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789072194657
  • ISBN 10 9072194659
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Preface of The Testing Practitioner The initial idea for writing a new testing book came during a meeting in London with David Hayman and Chris Comey. We were developing the ISEB Practitioner course and needed some background papers. The idea evolved and with the support of many testing and software quality experts it turned into a full and new testing book. Using the ISEB Practitioner syllabus as a reference framework, I wanted to create a book that provides a comprehensive overview of the testing profession and in addition addresses a number of new testing challenges and topics. The book needed to be more than a set of independent papers. As a result many email discussions with leading experts in the testing field were held. To me this was probably the most interesting part of the editing ... and writing "The Testing Practitioner". Thank you all! It is now up to the reader to test the actual outcome. I hope that many test professionals will be able to use the book as a basis from which to improve their testing skills by themselves. Other may need expert advice and assistance as well. The book may not contain all the answers you need, but it will set you off in the right direction. This book is intended to meet the practical needs of test engineers and test managers working in real-world businesses. Following the ISEB Practitioner syllabus this book addresses test principles, test process, test management, risk management, inspections and reviews, test techniques (both functional and non-functional), test process improvement, tools and people issues. My thanks is due to the individuals, who have helped me by reviewing drafts and providing valuable comments. Many thanks to Jo Cowderoy, Jackie Berkery, Sarah Farrell, Julie McMullan, Fran 'o Hara, Marc Roper and Caroline Quentin. Such merits as this book displays are in large part due to them, while its defects are of course my own. Lastly, a special thank you to the testing professionals who have gone before me. Some of these are acknowledged in the bibliography, but I recall here also all those friends, and colleagues from whom I have learned everything that I know today. Erik van Veenendaal Dommelen, The Netherlands September, 2002

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