End-to-end testing with TMap Next

Auteur VVH business translations
End-to-end testing with TMap Next

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789072194961
  • ISBN 10 9072194969
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The first complete approach to end-to-end testingChains are becoming longer and more complex all the time. The chance of faults keeps increasing while the importance of the chain's product grows. Testing chains is one of the ways to ensure the controllability of these risks. In practice, testing chains is not an easy matter due to the many parties involved - and it will only get more complex. This book describes a total approach for end-to-end testing that takes the growing scope and complexity of chains into account. The approach is based on TMap Next, Sogeti's test method. End-to-end testing with TMap NEXT® offers the test professional who faces the challenge of an end-to-end test everything he or she needs to execute the assignment successfully. Project or test managers that ...are responsible for managing the test will also find answers to the questions that are certain to arise while organising the end-to-end test. The great variety of topics that are discussed makes that this book is of interest to anyone involved with end-to-end testing in any way. This book is the first to describe a complete test approach to the most complex test variant there is, making it an indispensable tool for the test professional of the future. The authors Rob Smit is a highly experienced international test manager and test consultant. As an end-to-end test consultant, he works on many large-scale programmes run by companies and institutions. Together with Rob Baarda, Rob is the founder of the Expertise Group End-to-End Testing. Rob Baarda is an experienced test consultant who describes approaches in the TMAP series of books, such as TMAP Test Topics, TMap NEXT BDTM, and End-to-end testing with TMap Next®. His writings are based on practical experience as he implements the approaches in actual practice. He also lectures on these topics at international seminars and conferences. Website: www.tmap.net

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