Children of the New Earth A guideline for all people who want to join the present evolution leap in awakening

Redacteur R.W. Feenstra Auteur A. Angel Illustrator Janosh-art Vertaler M. van der Poll-Vervest
Children of the New Earth A guideline for all people who want to join the present evolution leap in awakening

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789080686205
  • ISBN 10 9080686204
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The earth is abundantly in movement. A special, captivation time has come. By leap of evolution the consciousness on earth will in the time change from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. In this new phase of development we will purify ourselves of our old lumber by means of transformation to undergo a development from the old human being of the earth towards a cosmic human being with many new capacities, among others in the area of communication. For that purpose our consciousness will be widened from a system of seven chakras to a system of thirteen chakras, which will make it possible for us to go and proceed in different, other dimensions. A next phase has arrived in the game of the earth at which the polarity principle slowly but surely will make place for a new starting point of Oneness and ... Love. It will become possible to create your own heaven on earth at which love will be your most important resource. This wave of awakening on earth will result in radical changes in as well the personal as the social area. From there we ourselves will create a new world order. For now it is the intention that we, as children of the New Earth, regardless of our age, are going to choose massively to undergo this growth in consciousness. In this book the processes of awakening that we will undergo to this effect are extensively explained so that it will be understandable and accessible for everyone in order to be able to work with it themselves. Attention is given to the Indigo and Crystal Children of this New Era and their role in the shift. This book takes you on a journey through time and explains the history of humanity and thus your path of life too. It leads you to your new birth in consciousness as a cosmic being. It offers you guidelines to walk your own path in this process. It is a book for all people of the earth who now want to join this evolution leap in awakening.

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