In the studio with The Beatles

Redacteur Henk-Jan Hoekjen Auteur Dennis Dekker Vertaler Pien Steffes
In the studio with The Beatles

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789081359177
  • ISBN 10 9081359177
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


The Beatles, without doubt the most famous band of all times. The popularity of ¿the Fab Four¿ brought John, Paul, George and Ringo to a mythical status. That myth does not always walk in hand in hand with reality, shows music journalist Dennis Dekker in his book ¿In the studio with The Beatles¿.To write this book, Dekker listened to tens of hours audio material, recorded during the Get Back sessions, which took place from the 2nd until the 31st of January 1969 in London. From Dekker¿s meticulous and always captivating personal descriptions of these infamous rehearsal session emerges a special image of the Beatles in the last months of their existence. In ¿In the studio with The Beatles¿ you ... can read about the division of power within the Fab Four in 1969. ¿I¿ll play whatever you want, Paul¿ and how the Beatles thought about competitors like the Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin and Simon & Garfunkel. ¿I watched Tom Jones. He is a complete tragedy¿ Furthermore, Dekker disarms convincingly the myth that the recordings of the Get Back sessions show nothing more then a ¿band-falling-apart¿ ¿Do you wanna do it once more then? Yes. Yes, yes!¿ The leading role in this book is of course reserved for the music of the Beatles. The author successfully shares the experience of the growth of well known Beatles songs like Let It Be, Get Back, I Me Mine, The Long And Winding Road, I¿ve Got a Feeling, For You Blue and Across the Universe. Also a lot of American soul- and rhythm¿n blues-songs are played by the Fab Four. All this makes ¿In the studio with The Beatles¿ a must have for every music lover. The famous Dutch musician Bertolf Lentink about this book:¿I swear I would run to the shop for this book. As long as the time machine has not been invented, reading this book is the best way to be present with the making of a Beatles record¿. Dennis Dekker (1974) is a journalist/reporter. He works for publishing house Gelderland Vakbladen and writes for the Beatles Fanclub Nederland (BFNL). He also works as a music critic for a variety of specialized websites.

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