Healthy Food, Happy people: Chantal Voets

Redacteur Sarah Devos en Barbara Daelemans Auteur Chantal Voets
Healthy Food, Happy people: Chantal Voets

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789082470734
  • ISBN 10 908247073X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Healthy Food, Happy People: the cookbook by Amanprana founder Chantal Voets. Packed with delicious and healthy recipes featuring both Amanprana and other products Amanprana founder Chantal Voets has always had a weakness for healthy and delicious food, and she decided to take a closer look at it. Through her many voyages of discovery, surrounding herself with inspiring people and her very own vision of health and its influence on body and mind, she decided to write her own book. The cookbook is packed with information and recipes - quick recipes for any day of the week. It is the perfect handbook for the lover of delicious and, in particular, healthy food. It\'s a world of Amanprana.What can you expect from the Healthy Food, Happy People cookbook? 130 delicious and quick recipes for ... any day of the weekA focus on organic food, the environment and natureInspirationThe use of and explanations on Amanprana products8 golden tips on changing to a more balanced dietEasy meals in a flashChantal\'s nutritional triangle10 Amanprana valuesA fair and simple kitchenA feats of natural colours, tastes and aromasHow to go veggie-licious Who is Amanprana\'s Chantal Voets? Chantal Voets, founder of Amanprana, author of Healthy Food, Happy People Chantal Voets is an author her works include Healthy and happy with proteins, foodie and co-founder of Amanprana. Amanprana products help and strengthen your life force in a serene manner, without harming body or spirit. And that\'s no surprise. Everything that Chantal Voets and her husband Bart Maes do at Amanprana follows the principal, \'Let food be thy medicine\'. That is the advice that Hippocrates, philosopher and the founder of Western medicine, gave to all his patients. And that principal can be found in everything that Chantal does. Chantal studied Ayurvedic cooking as well as macrobiotic, raw food and vegan cooking. She also submerged herself in the world of natural foods and discovered by experiment what healthy (and organic) food could do for her and her family. She did not want to keep the wisdom she gained all to herself, and she realised that she had enough tried-and-tested recipes to make a great cookbook. Sharing her expertise with you and inspiring you is exactly what she had in mind while compiling the Healthy Food, Happy People cookbook.What type of recipes will I find in Healthy Food, Happy People The beautiful cookbook Healthy Food, Happy People has become a collection of gorgeous recipes, great information and inspiration. It\'s perfect for healthy meals on any day of the week. The recipes are easy to make for any casual cook - no complicated appliances, no special techniques and certainly nothing pretentious. You\'ll have delicious and healthy meal on the table in a jiffy. The dishes were inspired by Ayurvedic cooking, macrobiotic cooking, raw food, cooking with the right food combinations (according to Dr De Hay), Patrick Geryl\'s fruit diet and by superfoods. Heartening foods, healthy comfort food and delicious ethnic dishes.Vegetarian recipes in Healthy Food, Happy People All the recipes in the Healthy Food, Happy People cookbook are vegetarian, which was a deliberate choice as Chantal Voets and Bart Maes (the founders of Amanprana) are also vegetarians. The lifestyle is better for the environment, animals and for your health. Chantal\'s digestive system has stopped sputtering ever since she made the move to organic and vegetarian food.Healthy Food, Happy People by Chantal Voets will inspire you to a happy and healthy life The cookbook will inspire you to have a happy and healthy life. Food plays an important role in this as it can determine how you feel, both physically and mentally. The intention is not to go on a diet, but rather to focus on switching lifestyles, and Healthy Food, Happy People shows you that this is not such a difficult task. With the right mindset and Healthy Food, Happy People under your arm you\'ll get very far indeed!Amanprana products in Healthy Food, Happy People Chantal is naturally inextricably linked with Amanprana, and in the cookbook she uses Amanprana products - products that she stands behind 100%. The book discusses the many advantages of Amanprana products and explains how to get the most out of them. The use of Amanprana products in the recipes demonstrates how versatile they are. Many famous people already consider them indispensible: Kim Clijsters, Ellemieke Vermolen, Marijke Helwegen, Amber Albarda, Lisette Kreischer, and more.

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