Good & Green Guides Good & Green Guide Holland

Auteur Harold Verhagen Illustrator Marja Lingsma
Good & Green Guides Good & Green Guide Holland

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789491315008
  • ISBN 10 9491315005
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Over 2.500 locations in Holland that are good for us and green for our environment: Fairtrade shops, organic markets, yoga studios, aid organisations, vegetarian restaurants, eco-fashion shops, natural cosmetics shops, green hotels, and more. Holland fulfills an essential role in the world when it comes to sustainability. According to IMF, World Bank, World Atlas in CO2 emissions and the Commitment to Development Index, Holland is a pretty good and green country in terms of people, planet and profit. In Holland more and more people live in cities. Cities are growing because they attract people with jobs and social mobility. Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague are growing three times faster than the average Dutch city. However, outside of the highly populated Western part of Holland university ... cities like Groningen, Tilburg and Eindhoven are also increasing in size every year. With more people living in cities it is increasingly relevant to show them how to enjoy these cities responsibly. Good & Green Guide Holland covers the Top Ten largest cities and the capital cities of all provinces in Holland. There has never been so many good and green Dutch addresses published together in one book. More than 2.500 locations to consume with pleasure and care. A complete travel guide with maps, indexes, Top10s and stars to rank sustainable businesses. Good & Green Guides are not sponsored or subsidised in any way and contain no advertisements. We can therefore guarantee a maximum impartiality and objectivity. ENJOY HOLLAND! From organic coffee to eco-shops, theyre all there. Really handy. DE TELEGRAAF **** stars DE VOLKSKRANT The guide focuses on a whole new dimension of cities. Excellent work! HERMAN WIJFFELS Pocket-sized with a sturdy binding, good maps, useful addresses and a broad focus. Worldwide this is the first guide I have found to bring such a range of addresses and facilities together in a practical way. This book has something for everyone. JOHANNES VAN DAM Do yourself and the city a favour: make good use of it with this guide.ERVIN LASZLO, president Club of Budapest 23 categoriesbars/cafés/tearooms - food shops/food markets - restaurants - herbs & food supplements -hotels/B&Bs/hostels/campsites - kids - mobility & travel - mind & body - parks & gardens - down & out - cosmetics - fair trade - fashion - office & home - second-hand/vintage/repair - webshops - banks - aid organisations & activists - collection & recycling - eco interest points - freedom interest points - volunteering & jobs - offsetting CO2 19 cities's-Hertogenbosch - Amsterdam - Almere - Arnhem - Assen - Breda - The Hague - Eindhoven - Groningen - Haarlem - Leeuwarden - Lelystad - Maastricht - Middelburg - Nijmegen - Rotterdam - Tilburg - Utrecht - Zwolle WWW.GOODANDGREENGUIDES.COM

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