Hardly ever otherwise

Auteur Maria Matios Vertaler Yuri Tkacz
Hardly ever otherwise

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789491425127
  • ISBN 10 9491425129
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Everything eventually reaches its appointed place in time and space. Maria Matios\'s dramatic family saga, Hardly Ever Otherwise, narrates the story of several western Ukrainian families during the last decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and expands upon the idea that "it isn\'t time that is important, but the human condition in time." From the first page, Matios engages her reader with an impeccable style, which she employs to create a rich tapestry of cause and effect, at times depicting a logic that is both bitter and enigmatic. But nothing is ever fully revealed-it is only in the final pages of the novel that the events in the beginning are understood as a necessary part of a larger whole, and the section entitled Seasicknesspresents a compelling argument for why ... events almost always have to follow a particular course. In Matios\'s multi-tiered plot, the grand passions of ordinary people are illuminated under the caliginous light of an ethereal mysticism, and digressions on love, envy, transgression, and atonement are woven into the story. The reader is submerged into a rich world populated by a grand cast of characters and ideas, which Matios animates with her prolific imagination and subtle wisdom. Each character in this outstanding drama has an irrefutable alibi, a unique truth, and a private conflict with honor and duty. Her characters do not always act in accordance with logic and written-law, as the laws of honor clash with the laws of the heart. And this is why it is hardly ever otherwise. For more information about this publication please consult the following website dedicated exclusively to Hardly Ever Otherwise. Translated by Yury Tkacz

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