Your Wake Up Call

Auteur Charles D.A. Ruffolo
Your Wake Up Call

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789491480096
  • ISBN 10 949148009X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Charles "Ruf" Ruffolo displays a strong sense of purpose and personal commitment to accelerate the positive attitudes of others within his network. As you read his book, "Your Wake-Up Call", you will learn how he came to chose ten of what he thinks are the most powerful characteristics one can possess. Those that illustrate inner strength to be self- inspired, self-motivated and enthused in life. Charles wants us all to know, that the building blocks for LIFE are within each of us. They enable us to reach success, even when faced with the probability of failure. Empowering those around him, Charles has the ability to identify and inspire the inner strength of others to help them endure and overcome any situation. He invites them to reach high, not by longing for the things ... they do not possess, but by appreciating that which they do. This commitment is also illustrated by his need to give back to others in his network. He is committed to helping others and has done so for many years through an organization that he established called, the Giving Back Foundation. It is a Foundation that I am pleased to be a part of, and one that offers an annual Scholarship in my name to one of the most prestigious Universities in the Netherlands. I was also moved when Charles energized his network to have a United States Flag flown over the US Capital in my name. It was a token of appreciation for my work with self-identity and education, and I am thankful. This book reveals the true story of a man who tells it like it really is, has love in his heart and a genuine concern for others in his network. It is my honor to introduce and contribute something for my friend, and one whose many friends know him as The NetworKing! Stedman Graham CEO of S. Graham & Associates

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