Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge - OPBOK Version 10

Auteur IAOP
Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge - OPBOK Version 10

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789401800006
  • ISBN 10 9401800006
  • Druk 2
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Outsourcing is here to stay. It is inextricably linked to the globalization of business. International trade networks continue to connect the world\'s economies and organizations increasingly turn to partners, often through outsourcing, to help them: *better leverage what they are best at,*gain greater flexibility and reach and *drive down their overall business costs and risks. The Harvard Business Review lists outsourcing as one of the most important new management ideas and practices of this century. This substantial title is the official version of the Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge by IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals), in short: OPBOK. This is the official publication of OPBOK Version 10. This new version has been revised on these ... points:*New appendix on applicable Rules and Regulations applicable to outsourcing.*New appendices mapping COP Standards to eSCM-SP and eSCM-SP capability models.*New and updated definitions on various forms of outsourcing, graphics, and templates.*More detailed discussions on: various outsourcing geographies, renewing and exiting agreement options, change management, multi-sourcing management and roles of PMO, and other new trends in outsourcing. Also, this Version 10 of OPBOK identifies the best practices of outsourcing professionals around the globe and presents the reader with a complete and practical guide to this emerging, complex discipline. It gives readers full guidance on the critical \'make or break\' factors in any outsourcing program:*governance and defining a strategic approach to Outsourcing;*identifying and communicating business requirements;*selecting and qualifying providers;*gaining internal buy-In, creating project teams;*value assessment (value for money and return on investment). This authoritative title provides an invaluable resource for any outsourcing professional: the best practice guidance is complemented by practical checklists and templates. Readers can therefore apply rigorous disciplines to ensure internal and external requirements are fully considered and implemented at each stage of the process. To support the application of OPBOK in organizations, the templates in Appendix A are also available as separate publication:Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge: OPBOK Version 10 - Templates (978 94 018 0536 0) It will become a key desktop resource for successful outsourcing professionals who achieve corporate and personal goals in this field. *There is also a template available. This Template is a Word file; to be used with Microsoft Office 2010 and more recent versions. *This template is only available via Van Haren Publishing! *These Templates are additional material to the VHP publication:

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