The IT service Part 2 The handbook

Auteur Pierre Bernard
The IT service Part 2 The handbook

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789087537005
  • ISBN 10 908753700X
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Make it Simple and Keep it Simple Since the early 2000s numerous external scenarios and drivers have added significant pressures upon the IT organisations. Among many, these include:Regulatory compliance: data privacy requirements and corporate scandals have focused a requirement for transparency - with high impact on IT organisationsEconomic pressures: require IT organisations to more closely align with business imperatives.The outcome has been an explosion of \'standards\' and \'frameworks\' each designed to support the IT organisation as it demonstrates to the world that they are the\' rock\' of an organisation: strong, reliable, effective and efficient. Most of these standards and frameworks have great elements but no organisation can adopt them all - and ... many were created without sufficient considerations for interoperability.The IT Service (in 2 parts) looks at the key and very simple goals of an IT organisation and clearly and succinctly presents to the reader the best \'rock solid\' elements in the Industry. It then shows how all the key elements can easily \'crystallise\' together -with great templates and check-lists.In Part 1 (another book) the reader is presented with the simple objectives that the IT department really must address.In Part 2 (this book) the reader gains expert advice on how the components of IT Service are \'crystallised\' in a real environment. There\'s a delightfully simple set of steps:OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICE DESIGN PACKAGETHE SERVICE STRATEGYASPECTS Of SERVICE DESIGNOUTPUTS OF THE SERVICE DESIGN PHASEOUTPUTS OF THE SERVICE TRANSITION PHASEOUTPUTS OF THE SERVICE OPERATION PHASEWithin these the Author gives a very simple set of templates (or tells you where they are to be found), practical guidance and very simple checklists. It\'s up the reader how far you develop each stage: a lot depends on the nature of your business of course. The joy of this approach is that the reader knows that all basic components are identified -- and that more extensive resources are referred to if the reader wishes to extend.

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