IT Service Management Based on ITIL® 2011 Edition

Auteur Pierre Bernard
IT Service Management Based on ITIL® 2011 Edition

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789401800174
  • ISBN 10 9401800170
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


In the world of international IT Service Management the previous editions of this book have acquired an excellent reputation as guidance on the topic of ITIL. Over the years this authoritative guide has earned its place on the bookshelves and in the briefcases of industry experts as they implement best practices within their organizations. This revised edition is based on ITIL 2011 Edition. It is written in the same concise way as the previous editions and covering all the facts. Readers will find that this title succinctly covers the key aspects of ITIL 2011 Edition. It is endorsed by AXELOS, the official ITIL Accreditor. The ITIL Lifecycle is fully covered. In addition there is much attention to the 26 IT Service Management processes and 4 Functions. These are described in detail. This means ... that it is easy for all readers to access and grasp the concepts of processes and functions that are so pivotal to many service management day-to-day operations. This title covers the following:*Introduction to the Service Lifecycle*Lifecycle phase: Service Strategy*Lifecycle phase: Service Design*Lifecycle phase: Service Transition*Lifecycle phase: Service Operation*Lifecycle phase: Continual Service Improvement New, compared with the previous edition on ITIL V3, are the processes for Strategy Management and Business Relationship Management. Also the other new and revised concepts of ITIL are covered in this book. \'Well written and presented, this publication provides a useful addition to the core ITIL publications for anyone wanting to understand IT service management.\'Kevin Holland, Service Management Specialist, NHS\'Pierre has produced an extremely useful summary of the current version of ITIL. This will be an invaluable day to day reference for all practitioners.\'Claire Agutter, ITIL Training Zone

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